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Fuel tank removal


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Im contemplating pulling out the fuel tank in the search for rust.


Is it a common place for rust to form between the body and tank?


I have read alot in searches about people have trouble removing the filler neck, what exactly does this mean? Is this the only hastle about removing and reinstalling?


Is it straight forward or should i go buy a workshop manual?


Thanks again guys

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It's pretty straightforward. Sometimes the tube from the filler neck to the tank gets 'seized' onto the tank and takes some persuation to get off. Usually a flat screwdriver wedged in and pushed around the tube will do it. Other than that, it's simple.


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I dunno - I would not go lightly into such a project. Are you sure you need to pull the tank?


On mine, the filler neck did come off. But it was a battle. It did not however, come off the filler (it came off the tank).


But the special, curved bolt thingies used to tighten the straps - both of those had their nuts siezed onto them. One eventually broke, the nut on the other stripped and I had to cut it. In my case, the tank was not going back on, so, no worries. But it woulda been a pain to either find new bolts or make them.

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I dunno - I would not go lightly into such a project. Are you sure you need to pull the tank?


It depends I guess how prone Zed's are to rusting around this area' date=' the history of my Zed is hazy at best, so I am assuming nothing.


On mine, the filler neck did come off. But it was a battle. It did not however, come off the filler (it came off the tank).



How is the filler neck attached at either end. I was planning to make up a stainless steel filler "bucket" behind the fuel cap to replace the rotten old one and as far as I can see the filler neck disappears below the floor pan.

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If you are just looking for rust and do not plan on doing anything to to tank I would reccomend leaving it alone. I pulled mine because my spare tire well was rusted out so badly that I could see the fuel tank underneath! I haven't tried putting it back in yet but it seems like last summer there was a post on here about a guy who was having a horrible time getting his tank connected back up to the filler neck.


Good luck.

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There shouldn't be a major problem with the filler neck section or any other for that matter. I pulled the one in the MuscleZ in about 15 minutes. Everything was a snap...I did however, replace the rubber braded lines and attach new hose connectors. A shot or two of WD-40 and a few hand tools should do the trick.


Comps, VAN

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  • 2 weeks later...

I pulled the tank and it was very easy, the one question i have is how do i remove the filler neck from the car or do i have to destroy it.


Im sure im not seeing something but from what i can tell there is a rim around the fuel intake that is too large for the neck to be pulled into the car through the hole and there is a large ribbed bend where the neck joins the tank which is too large to be pulled into the car the opposite way through its hole, so im stuck.



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