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Immaturity dosent pay.. but funny..

Guest bang847

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Guest ON3GO

oh man that sucks.

guy was wrong for bring the car back to SOA but the other guy is wrong for ratting out a fellow WRX'er...

that really sucks



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Guest Look A Z
oh man that sucks.

guy was wrong for bring the car back to SOA but the other guy is wrong for ratting out a fellow WRX'er...

that really sucks

I agree.......

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Definitely not cool for the one guy to decide what was moral and what was not for the guy who blew his motor. Should have let SOA decide that. I don't like what the one guy trying to turn his car back to stock and get it done, but the other guy for deciding morals was not cool either.

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Guest Your Car is Slow

All that accomplished was service departments now being even MORE cautious about modded cars and warranty issues.


Even the smallest hint of mods will now be rejected by those few dealers (and any who read the thread)....and it will become even more trouble for owners to have legitimate claims approved.


On the other hand..things dont really add up in that thread.


The kid seems like a complete novice at car/mod related activity...even says he had a shop do all the work. Yet within a day or so he had "put the car back to stock and took it to another dealership"


Now Im not really familiar with the WRX...but id think it would take even a normal garage wrencher more than a day or so to return the car back to stock appearance given his list of mods....much less someone who doesnt seem to know diddly about his car other than what was printed on the boxes of parts he ordered.

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Like one of the guys said on that thread.....when you mod a car, you void the warranty and take personal responsibility, you pay to play, and it is true that these bogus warranty claims increases the price of new vehicles for everyone else......you think the Manufacturer is going to just eat that $$$$, no, they pass it on to Joe Q. Consumer. I have mixed feelings about ratting him out, but the dealer obviously was going to deny the claim anyways. The guy was a putz for posting that the dealer was going to cover the blown engine!!!



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Excellent thread! I read every page (ya I have no life..)


That guy got what he deserved... he said himself he was being scandelous...he just found out what happens when others act scandelous...misery and suffering.. no one wins..


Some of them tried to help him out by telling him about stock turbo replacements, and about getting modded chips for the ecu... but he blew it when he talked about defrauding a company...Ya never know.. maybe one or more of those guys works for subaru...I'd want to protect my job, and my pension and stocks...


Pay if you play, and play nice....or else...there is always a bigger meaner fish out there...


You should try to follow the laws made for us by us, but you need to balance that with "doing the right thing" We are brought up to hate "tattle tailers".. telling on someone to be mean is one thing.. to tell on someone because it is morally right is something else...


Tricky subject eh? Different levels of morality...

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Guest livewire23

its post like this that sometimes makes me sad that we dont have our own morons around here. I recently went to TOV - Integra to ask about an Integra shell that I found sittin around, and some moron said he had twin mufflers, and was going to soon attach a Y-splitter and connect them to his exhaust stream (!), and he wanted to know if it would improve performance at all. (!!) Unfortunately the people at TOV have gotten used to such ricers, and have learned some manners. :(:lol:

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I have not worked in a dealership for quite a while but we had a system for warranty claims. The dealer had to enter the VIN into a database to start the paper work to get a rep to look at a car. if the claim was rejected the next dealer that entered the same vin got a copy of the report and was told to deny the claim Keith

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