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Talking car questions...


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I read another post and it got me thinking. Would it be possible to install a laptop, with a voice activated program into a Z car. So it would maybe greet you and a passenger? Like have a couple of switches in the seats and have it say a few things to you when you get in? Like....Hello, how has your day been......stuff like that.


Would writting a program to respond to different words be that hard? Don't they have stuff like this out there for computers now? Maybe get it to reply to a few simple words or phrases?


Any thoughts on this. I was just tossing the idea around some.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Voice recognition software still sucks, wonder why so many of them went out of business? The ones that work ok for the most part, require many hours of training. Ford is using voice recognition stuff though, so maybe investigating that would be usefull for something.


How has your day been? I dont know how serious you were about that, but I'd be rather embarrased if I had to program my car to be my friend or imaginary lover. :oops:

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I think the "talking lady" would be kind of neat to do, although yes I probably would get annoyed from time to time, and there are so many things I dont have hooked up that a 280ZX/ZXT does - so I think I'm willing to live without it. I am fairly certain my fascination wish such device is more a chuckle, "Look at what Nizzy was doing in the 80s" - kind of neat but I know how to read gauges on a regular basis so thats what I'll keep on doin :)

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Guest spunkysandoval

If you do make one of these contraptions, make sure it doesn't talk back. And make sure it responds correctly to cliche` phrases like "shut up bitch", or "get lost", or even for happy times "shove it".


Sounds like fun. Make it a blonde too, that isn't afraid to tell jokes about herself.

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nothing good can come of something like this...don't you remember such phrases as


...Hello Micheal!... or ...i'm sorry Dave...i can't do that Dave...what are you doing Dave?


you my try to build it for good but it will become EVIL!!! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

"You would not need a laptop to pull this off. A voice module kit such as linked below can be set up to play voices at the input of a switch.






So then, with this voice module I can hook it to my cars 12v supply and then tap into the door switches and install others as needed for up to 16 different messages? Sweet! and for only $75! Hmmmmm....I think I am turning into a computer nerd. :bonk::bonk:


I think I'll try it. If it works out...I know I can sell it to all the Ricers around here. I'll make a fortune! :D

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  • 2 months later...

I have been considering installing a pretty large megaphone style speaker in the front of my z... it would be entertaining to use on those long trips...


(*hey, you in the ugly little honda... get outta my way before you get a datsun wedged up your 15" tailpipe!)


i am sure you all could imagine time in which you would have loced to have a megaphone on your car... heh...


but i know i shouldnt... i would end up in some sort of trouble because of it..


eh.. as for a car that talks to you... eh, i would rather have actual voice recognition, and the ability to turn on fans, A/C, inform me of iminent failures or tire pressure drops.


too bad my music and v8 is going to make me deaf before i efver get a setup like that.



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You know what would be great...I once saw this tank turrrent with a pig sitting in it...it mounted on the hood of your car. It came with a remote to move the turrent around and make firing noises.


You could pull up next to a Honda and fire upon it. Use this combined with the mega phone... :twisted: Course, everyone would think you're wierd, and rightly so... :bonk:

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This is actually very easy, all you need is a switch and a card to interpret the signals, the program is a piece of cake, you can pick up a serial card and some old switches for very cheap, then all you need is the sound files you want and a program to interpet the signals from the serial card. I once wrote a simple delphi program to something similar, 15$ equipment, 30 mins of work.Why you want to do this is another story....lol

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I would much rather have a Japanese guy who sounds like Howard Costell yelling into a megaphone mounted on top of my car.....(Anyone care to guess the movie?)

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Way back when I found myself at a light with a show car looking Mitsubishi Eclipse, he had a megaphone or some type of system in his car that played a laughter track from Batman, I knew it because he could turn the thing on and off with a button and dang that thing was loud!!!


I always wondered that in other parts of the world, If the talking lady available in the z and zx series came in different languages depending the language spoken in the country that it was sold?


I would love to have a Jspec talking lady or maybe a German one, that would be nice.

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