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Earthquake in NW GA!!!

Georgia Flash

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Wow guys did anyone else get shook out of bed this AM? :shock: At about 5:00am an earthquake hit NW GA. Yes my California brothers I am not on crack you read right. An earthquake in GA!


I think that the epicenter was in NE AL about 25 miles from my home here in NW GA. They are saying it may have been a 4.5 on the richter scale.


Shook the windows rattled the floors and rocked my bed back and forth. Never thought I would see an earthquake here in the south.

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Yep a truck or a train! It was kinda funny when it was all over and me and the wife thought about our reactions.


I thought at first a train had hit something and derailed near our house. Then I thought that maybe someone was kicking the hell out of the down stairs basement door trying to break in, because the windows were shaking. I grabbed my gun and began to clear the house, wearing just my birthday suit. Then I looked at my wife and said, I think we just had an earthquake!

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Yes my California brothers I am not on crack you read right. An earthquake in GA!


I thought at first a train had hit something and derailed near our house. Then I thought that maybe someone was kicking the hell out of the down stairs basement door trying to break in, because the windows were shaking. I grabbed my gun and began to clear the house, wearing just my birthday suit. Then I looked at my wife and said, I think we just had an earthquake!


Hahaha, thats great!!! :lol: When we get an earthquake over here its just an excuse for us to get up and take a trip to the bathroom. My girlfriends family is from New York, and when they first moved here and had their first earthquake, they thought it was the garbage truck! :lol::lol::lol:

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Guest Aaron

According to what I am hearing over here, the epicenter was in mentone, AL, about 4 miles from the GA state line, and about 35 miles from my house. They have revised it to be a 4.9. It is tied for the strongest quake in AL history. It shook my whole house and woke me (not an easy feat) at 4:00AM. I saw a flash outside when I woke, heard the roar, and felt the house shaking and immediately thought we were having a tornado. I have three house trailers next to me, so I am not safe from tornados :) . After it was all over with, I think the flash I saw was some power lines touching and causing an arc. All in all, that was the strangest thing I have ever been through.

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I also read that there were about 6 after shocks but they were to light to be felt. On the yahoo site they list the epicenter as Ft. Payne AL.


Greiman it may have been a baby quake, but it was the first time in my 37 years that I felt the earth move under me. Now you want to talk about tornados, I'll put my money on the south anyday lol :D

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Guest John Adkins

I remember back in the early '90s when we had the first earthquake in Klamath Falls, Oregon history. It wasn't a very big quake; hardly any damage, but the front of a brick building downtown collaspsed. CNN was in town and they had a reporter stand in front of the collasped building and report it to the world. On CNN it looked like the town was a disaster area! :D


Did you guys in Georgia and Alabama get CNN coverage yet? :-D

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Guest livewire23

haha 4.9, What a measly little quake. Must've been fun. I still remember one of the big ones here from the late 80s. Hey, you think they felt that quake 180 miles away in montgomery? I should ask my friend. A 4.9 probably doesn't travel that far though. I bet it didn't even reach birmingham. It's still a kick when those things roll through. :D

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Guest Aaron

One difference on the east side of the rockies I have read about, is that the bedrock is harder on this side, so the waves from an earthquake travel farther than on the west side. I have heard reports on the radio today that it was felt on the south end of Birmingham and as far north as Kentucky. The news has been saying there are reports of the quake from seven different states. I don't have a TV handy, so I don't know if CNN has covered it yet, but they should have since they are relatively close to the epicenter.

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We felt it here in western NC, about halfway between Charlotte and Asheville. Wasn't a lot to it though, just enough to be noticable. That's the third time in my 42 years we've had an earthquake that was strong enough to feel.



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I guess I moved too soon and missed all the fun.

A few years after our last Ohio quake, I was awakened by what I THOUGHT was another earthquake. It turned out to be a propane explosion about 6 miles away.

It seems this old farmer, (about 90yrs old) got up in the night to answer the call of nature. When he flushed his toilet it caused a spark in his well pump that was in his basement. :shock: The spark ignited a propane leak at his furnace, and completely dissintegrated his house,him and everything in it. :weird:

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The biggest one was 10/19/89 in SF. That baby rocked all the way at UC Davis where I was at school--emptied the pool! Our house in San Jose was OK, but SF and Oakland were doing very badly and a lot of people died. I'll be happy if we never have another like that :shock:



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Guest tt350

Well, I remeber when I was about 8 years old, I was standing in line at school leaning on one of those metal pillars (this is in LA by the way) that support those cheesy metal roofs, and all of a sudden, my head hit the pole 3 times in succession. I was confused as hell, then I saw all the kids that fell down on the floor and realized that something shook us up, and it shook the poll into my head!


I was laughin after it happened, cuz it was just cool.


I went through another one in LA in bed, and I liked it. It gives you this weird wavy feeling, kinda like your house is floatin on the ocean.


Good Times :D


Just my useless (hopefully funny) story.

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Guest Randy Mellema

.....Just enough of a "wiggle" to knock my alarm-clock off the dresser , hitting the floor, and mystereously blarring "Shake,Rattle and Roll"....coinsidence ?.....I thought it was a conspiercy between My Dog and Wife, Until I heard the News (On CNN) ..Too Weird..... :roll:

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There was a minor quake in or around Knoxville, TN when I was at UT about 5 years ago. It was an odd sensation. As for the Californians, I feel that someday soon you all may be living on an Island. Good greif, 12 earthquakes in 2003, and 6 on one day. That must be a strange phenomenon to be used to.

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