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t3 turbine seal prob help and input

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hey guys it seems that with the bad thrust bearing made the groove in the turbine shaft where the seal goes get worn out so now oil leaks out after it warms up and i get alot of white smoke.The new seal won't help either since the groove is to wide to keep the oil out,I was thinking of putting in a spacer to make up for the room.I can also weld up the groove and have it milled out for the ring to fit again.OR maybe machine outr more metal and make two seals go side by side if they will fit.Anyone had any luck with this kind of thing?I don't want to get another one cuz they cost a bit and i don't have the cash now.Plus the turbine is clipped and i really don't want to get another.any help would be appreciated

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Can you just order a new shaft? I've never gotten into the insides of a turbo before do I don't know but, it seems like the only real fix to me is to replace the turbo or the shaft. What about balancing the turbo after the fix. Wouldn't that be a proublem?

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Can you install the seal so that the seal lip does not ride in the groove in the shaft? Kind of like installing a rear main crankshaft seal slightly outward to avoid the groove in the crank.


Just a thought....



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Guest Zcarsmakemyheadhurt

If you weld on the shaft it's going to distort. Sounds like a throw away. If the thrust bearing whent bad in most cases, your done. If you would like to send me your parts I can help you out with a Zcar discount. Sorry to hear it whent south, good luck man...


Alex C

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it's right there ;) but really i am gonna try to shim it with a c clip just to take up the space, I guess it's worth a try. :wink: I wonder how much just the shaft will cost?I can get a stock one i have one in my other parts turbo but mine is clipped and i like the way it was before :( Spooled up nice flowed good does the clipping help alot?I figure if you weld it slow like a little bit at a time it shouldn't destort cuz it deals with heat all the time from the exhaust and doesn't distort.Or maybe i should just stop being cheap and get a new one :D Dunno just looking for options to the expensive route. :-D

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hey yo it's the one arrow in the circle not the one pointing to the circle that's where it's worn,it's not alot but enuf to push oil past and make my car look like crap :x


I'll let you have mine but it's unclipped stage I. alot of wear too

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it's ok yo thanks tho hey anyone know where i can get another new wheel like lockjaw said stage V or III? I'm gonna try the spacer thing to see if it works and if it does then we have a bandaid for those who do not havethe cash to get one right away and if not i'm not out anything :)

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