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Riciest Z Car

silicone boy

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Geez, I'm gonna hate myself in the morning, but I just gotta chime in on this.


Once again we seem to be hung up on what boils down to the definition of "Rice". The problem is that you, my esteemed colleagues, don't seem to realize that defining "Rice" is like nailing Jello to the wall. You can't make one sweeping generalization about what "Rice" is, except perhaps to say that it's excessive Show without the Go.


Any ONE element of a Ricer doesn't necessarily constitute "Rice". Japanese symbols, carbon fiber hoods, and underhood lighting were cool - the FIRST time they were done. After they became mass market items at the local Autozone, they became passe and were dragged down into the pits of teenage mediocrity. Louvers are not rice on the right vehicle (and the Z is the right vehicle). Wide, large diameter wheels are not "rice" if they are mounted on a car that can make use of them. Cold air intakes are not "rice" as long as you don't claim a 50 Hp gain. The instant you do something stupid like that, *BAM!* They become instant rice. Heck, a wing on the hood is pretty kick ass, if you're driving a Lamborghini Countach.


So why is it cool on a Countach but Ricey on a Ford Focus? Because, kiddoes, "Rice" is about wretched excess, and writing checks with your appearance that your performance can't cash.


Best to define what "Rice" is by example rather than by definition. I think the members of this board will probably agree that the following things are almost certainly "Rice".


* Spending $2,000 on fiberglass aerodynamics for a daily driver that can't go over 85 MPH.

* Getting beaten in a fair race, then putting on your blinkers and flipping the winner off after you pass them.

* Tammy Faye Baker's makeup.

* Pretending that the Scuba tank in the rear seat of your car that you painted with blue Krylon is really a Nitrous setup.

* Putting a 12 inch lift kit on a truck that never been dirty.

* Driving a Pro-Stock-looking Camaro with an inline six engine.

* Michael Jackson grabbing his crotch.

* Dimestore cowboys who starch their jeans, but don't know how to get on a horse.


I think it's pointless to argue over what "Rice" is, when it's essentially undefinable. Like the man said above, it's a matter of taste. Some things are so horrible that we'll mostly agree they're rice. Others are subtle things that we may disagree on. Is it good? Is it bad? There's no telling for sure. "Rice" is like art - I might not know what it is, but I know it when I see it!


To answer Silicone Boy's question: The riciest Z I've ever seen was a Z32 that someone took a saw and cut out ragged square holes in the nose to look like a body kit. The dash and console was painted with yellow paint, and they had poorly made white gauge faces to match the 5" monster tach that hung from the A pillar. A scratched compact disk and a pine tree air freshener hung from the rearview mirror. The finishing touch was a Honda "Type R" sticker on the rear deck. I don't know what look they were going for, but they obviously missed.


And on the subject of "The Fast and the Furious", it had some interesting things going on in it, but it was NOT a "Good" movie any more than a dozen Twinkies makes a "Good" meal.

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Amen Brother RPMS... Fast & Furious was in the same league as Biker Boys... Full of WAY over the top, never gonna be close to reality, closer to Sci-Fi for me to personally like... However, I'm sure it will gain it's share of noteriety (as the decades pass) as a movie that defined a generation... That is SAD!


Mike :D

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Louvers are disco. I always associate them with the 70's.


You guys have talked about FnF so much I actually rented it just the other day. I enjoyed it. No worse than a Bruce Willis or Mel Gibson movie. The plot was a blatant formula rip off of that Kennea Reeves-Patrick Swayse movie (Point Break?).


The thing that caught my attention was the way they tried to sound knowledgeable about cars by rattling off the model numbers of a bunch of name brand parts. Makes me better understand why new members always start posts with "I've been contemplating a new engine idea for my Z, what do you think of a (fill in the blank) with twin turbos?"


One funny thing, the DVD included a bonus track about the guy who supposedly started the whole F&F scene. They said his name was Racer X. No relation to our RacerX I hope?

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Scott (RPMS), Great post!


My quick definition of rice: Modifications (visual or audible) to make a car look/sound aggressive, in-you-face, shock-and-awe stuff. No functional attributes. Just following the crowd. In short, mods done in bad taste, even though they are "popular".

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Louvers are disco. I always associate them with the 70's.


Of COURSE they're 70's, Jim! When did you think the Z was created, anyway? That's what makes them such great period pieces. Like an Offenhouser intake on a 1966 Mustang, or Purple Hornies on a hemi 'Cuda.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man, those were some of the riciest Z's ever, far worse than I could ever have imagined! That Honda dude had a great start, but he should have made his exhaust more conical, kindof like the space shuttle exhaust nozzle. It boggles the imagination! By the way, calling window louvers "period pieces" was perfect. Kindof like a piece of Americana that belongs in the Smithsonian. I mean, they defined an entire generation of auto accessories, just like fart pipes today, or fuzzy dice in the past.

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Guest mjyikes

I always thought the term "Rice" came from "rice rocket" which was used to describe any performance motorcycle built in Japan. I thought this term started in the late 70's era about the time of the first Kawasaki Ninja

which would out accelerate and out handle any American (read Harley) motorcycle available at the time. It wasn't about show and glitz, it was about us getting our ass kicked and we were pissed off so we gave those bikes a derogatory name. I don't think it was used to describe cars yet because my '69 Mach 1 was still beating those z's and celicas, at least in straight line acceleration (when it wasn't in the shop). So I always thought

that "rice" or "ricer" referred to anything built in Japan, or now anywhere in Asia. But I could be FOS, I still love my '72 240Z "ricer".

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Guest timhypo

The First Kawasaki Ninja came out in the mid-80s. The bikes from the '70s that kicked ass were the Suzuki GS series and the Kawasaki Z1...

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Guest Your Car is Slow

Eh..I dont restrict the ricer label to imports....its more in the attitude of the owner.


Modding your car to look fast...without actually doing anything to make it fast...makes you a ricer.

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Guest comeandzpa

Well, I am not going to repeat what has already been said over and over... I will, however, offer some great comic relief on the subject, strongly advising that you visit a fun page called You drive a Honda Civic, not a Race Car. While you are there, take a look around at some of his other pages, they are quite humorous. However, I must warn you that if you are easily offended, a female, or a republican, or a nerd, or fat, or skinny, or anything else at all you will most likely BE offended.

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