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Get This!!!!

Guest bobnagga

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Guest bobnagga

My mother decided to disown me yesterday. She tried to keep me '82 ZX. :evil: That's goin' too damn far :evil: !!! I can live without her, but you'd see me in my grave before I let anyone have my ZX. But she can hold it as long as she wants as long as her name is still on the title. But mine is, too, so what we're going to do is go downtown in the moanin' and put it in my fiance's name until we can get it out of lockdown. :twisted: She's not happy with my giving her my ford tampon and thunderchicken... NOW SHE WANTS MY BABY!!!!! She won't get it tho. I don't care if it's not running yet... She can't have it!!!!!!!

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Better be nice to your mama! If her name is on the title then you can't change that without her signature! You may want to do some sweet talking until she signs it over.


Of course, if it is also in your name, then she is in the same position as you. Just go get it. You can't be charged for stealing a car that is licensed to you.

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Guest bobnagga

i dunno about other states, but here in Idaho I can get her name off it without her signature if it says "or" between our names, wich it does, but I couldn't if it said "and". But I don't care if she isn't happy with the tampon and thunderchicken. She ain't getting my car!!!!


oh, and mike... she's mad because I'm concentrating on college right now instead of working a minimum wage dead end job.

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Guest bobnagga

oh, don't worry. It's in a safe place. I was thinking on just leaving it in the driver's seat unfolded so she could look at it, but knowing her, she'd call a locksmith and get it. She already flattened the tires. When we go to get it, I have an air compressor...Unless she slashed the tires...But that's vandalism or malicious destruction of property or something like that.

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I'm not trying to discredit you, but what happened to push her over the edge? People tend to be reasonable by nature - some definitely aren't though. Who paid for the car? You or your mom?


Oh...if you have AAA and your tires are slashed, just have it towed to wherever you need it. Make sure that you keep it somewhere she can't find it too. If I were you, I'd try and find a laywer that doesn't charge for consulting, and see what it would take to get just your name on the title.

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Guest bobnagga

hey, it's my mother that doesn't want me!! BUt still... She went and put a lien on the car so I can't touch it. But I can still sell it to my fiance and get it back that way.

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Guest bobnagga

I paid for over half of the car. $1500 of a $2500 loan and on top of that, put another thousand into the car to get it running after the tranny went out.


Of course Now the engine doesn't run, so I'm worse off than before... But oh well. What can you do?

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I paid for over half of the car. $1500 of a $2500 loan and on top of that' date=' put another thousand into the car to get it running after the tranny went out.


Of course Now the engine doesn't run, so I'm worse off than before... But oh well. What can you do?[/quote']




Drop in a V8.... :D



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So are you going to the JC there in Lewistown or U of I in Moscow?

Have they fixed the hill out of Lewiston headed north on 95 or is it still a mini Pike's Peak? Speaking of that, have you ever run Cabbage Hill (replaced by the long grade) south of Lewiston? All really good roads for a guy with a car that likes Twisties. I used to average 5 hours flat from Moscow to Boise using 80 as my top end. Lot's of fun at Lewiston, Whitebird & Horseshoe Bend as well as down along the river.

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Guest bobnagga

actually, It's LC, but yeah, that's the one I'm going to. And as far as I know they've fixed the grade. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by pike's peak. It's really not so bad. I've had family from the great plains get to the top of that hill and turn around to go home. But anyway... The spiral highway in North Lewiston that the freeway replaced is also a fun one to ride on. Or Gun Club Rd that turns into Lindsay creek and comes out way in the back of the orchards... I've also buried the needle on that straight stretch out towards Waha before Forsman Rd. That was with the stock L28, tho.

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I graduated from U of I and was in their sports car club for a few years. We use to set up a 4.5 mile paved road hill climb on Cabbage Hill (Winchester Hill) on old I-95 south of Lewiston. It was bypassed by a long grade back in the late 50's. Best I ever ran was first in class and third overall behind a 911 Porsche and a Shelby Mustang. My favorite trick when commuting was to watch the oncoming taffic closely and determine where there was a good gap and then pass on a blind corner and watch my passengers fill their drawers. Once passed over 60 cars on a 40 mile stretch of 95 with a 37 HP Morris Minor sedan that way.

By the way - I DO NOT recommend that anyone else subscribe to that kind of insanity.

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Guest CarGuyChuck

Hey, don't fret man, In a way, I seriously know the feeling. I bought my '79 280ZX with a 2500 loan, and have paid back about five hundred of it so far. It was actually running, but I decided to go ahead and break it down to restore it first. I ended up quitting my crappy job to concentrate on school, and get a better one, and she tried to make me sell my ride, but my dad's name is on the cosign loan papers, and it's just my name on the title, so she couldn't do a damn thing. I sold some parts I'm not gonna reuse in the ZX on ebay to make car payments this last month, and now I've got a sweet job, and everything is cool. But everyone is right about one thing. Even if your mom is a serious bitch she's still your mom. I don't agree with mine at all, but I still tolerate her.

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Guest bobnagga

maybeshe is my mom, but still... Well she dropped the lein. Now she won't have anything to do with me. "I made my decision" according to her.

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