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lol thats too funny. few days ago i was driving home about 3am when this clean 99 cobra rolled up next to me. it was black convertibal with sallen kit some chrome wheels just nice and clean. guy gets next to me and i go into boost one time (open extrenal wastgate) and he goes like man thats turbo right and i was like yeah it is he goes wow it sounds sweet man... then he was like is it afthermarket and i told him nah its stock (really it is) then we went first gear roll (10mph) and by the time we hit top of third gear i had about car and half on him i kept on going straight and he was turning on interstate last thing i saw was him holding his tumb up and waving sp to me :D guy was very cool about it plus he liked ol z. it just seems that every time i ride out everyone wants to run me from chick in c5 to some other chick in some kia 4 door sedan lol. yeah it sure is nice driving z and not working on it for change.



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"it just seems that every time i ride out everyone wants to run me from chick in c5 to some other chick in some kia 4 door sedan lol. yeah it sure is nice driving z and not working on it for change."



Man, I never get anything like that. I've got to really egg someone on to get them to run me most of the time. After the A** kicking I give them they all have the Slack Jaw look and the thumbs up. It's not like my car looks like a beater or something. I just don't get it.



By the way Phantom, Did you see the post in announcement section about going to the Motorplex this Friday. I think I may actually get to go! I'd love to have another Zer out there.

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