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Suspension and Brake Upgrade Kit Retailers?

Guest iskone

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Guest iskone

I had the URL of this guy who had good deals on upgrade kits but I lost it.

The site had 11" or 12" brake kits and 5 lug conversions.


So I want to know where I can get upgrade kits for my 280Z, I am hoping someone will reccomend his site.




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Let me be the bad guy here.

I have watched you post several topics as of late, and nearly every one has been well covered in the past.

I point you to rule number 2 in the sticky post at the top of this and many other forums:


To quote it:

2. Please use the search function before you do anything else. The search button can be found at the top of the page. Use several keywords if you don't find what you need right off the bat. Remember: Just about every possible topic and problem has been posted and answered, in most cases several times. The Members on this board are very helpful and a great crowd of Z enthusiasts, but answering the same questions over and over again gets old.

I realize you may think I'm comming off as an ass, and so be it. However, three of your last few topics were well covered before. I promise with some searching you can find the two or three retailers that sell brake kits for early Z's.

I'll even be nice,(not like me at all), and tell you who they are:

Ross Corrigan of Modern Motorsports

Mike Gibson of fonebooth

Arizona Z car

And the new one,

JSK innovations,(kits, not complete).

All offer different and sometimes overlapping products. My personal opinion is Modern Motorsports and Arizona Z cars are the best kits available for the money, in that order.

Bottom line, you have asked us to do all the work for you. Please show some initative and search out and find your answers. It will help you learn more as the old topics have a wealth of information for you to consider and you may use them later for reference. If you still fail to find the answers, then please post saying what you searched for, and what you want. That helps us answer your questions and lets us know you don't just want to be spoon-fed the answers.

Ok, done ranting - but it has been an epidemic of sorts as of late and you are not the first.


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Guest iskone

Well it's nice to know I have a fan of my work!


Anyway I search everything before I post and as a matter of fact before I made this last post I searched for 2 hours. I searched my History, Bookmarks, the Forum, and even Yahoo!


None of the sites listed are the one I am looking for. But thanks anyway.

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Just using the search term 12" brake, and limiting it to this forum, I returned 665 matches.

The second return was a post a day before yours that listed at least two of the companies I listed.

Now if you had provided that info in the first post, i.e. Hey, I found the following companies in a search, but they are not the ones I want....etc.. You would likely have gotten your answer, and still may.

There are very, very few people out there offering 11 and 12 inch kits for Z's and 5 lug conversions. I listed the three I know of.

The fact that this just came out,(i.e. you did a search, found other companies, but they weren't the ones), is exactly why everyone is on a short trigger to say "search", or the info is in here. Your first post was very, very vauge, not helping those who might have the info you want. Were not going to answer the same questions 50 times and I think you know why. More information would have greatly aided you in finding your answers.

Good luck finding whoever it was you were looking for.


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Thanks for the support, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. :)

The moderators rightfully so don't always agree with the way I do business. I tend to be much more to the point and follow the corner-carvers philosophy of posting and moderating. It is a bit strong for the goals of hybridz. However that has changed as of late and I am happy with the change thus far.

For the most part, I am very happy with the moderation here,(wasn't always true). It was a matter of time before they got sick of the common, vauge, repeat or unsubstatiated posts as I have been for years. I was just much more vocal about them, and that tends upset peoples sensibilites. :)

In the end, our goals are the same, keeping this site the great resource it has been.


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