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Well folks, it looks like Isabel is going to come right to me. :shock:

We could have winds of 100 to 130 mph here by Thrusday.

My area is surrounded by water and there saying tides and strom surges at about 12 feet (above sea level).

My property is 12 feet above sea level.

So I got things packed up and tied down and I`m going to ride it out.

Any of you folks care to say some prayers, I would appreciate it.

This is the biggest storm here in over 50 years.

The last one of this size, created new land and removed some from this area.

I will be putting the Z on some jack stands(in the garage)tomarrow.


Wish me luck!

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Guest Smooth Operator

Get out while you can. Not like a tornado when you walk outside and think, "Man wasn't it just 20 degrees hotter out here, starting to look pretty nasty too...". Walk inside and turn on the TV and you find out a tornado is less than 2 miles from your home coming at you and it starts hailing. Hit the deck!

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I wish you much luck. Be careful... you know, now may be a great time to vacation in california... if you can get out. :shock:


I really dont like the idea of having a storm that is bad enough to destroy everything in it's path anywhere near me...


I have been lucky though, ive lived in the bay area, a mile from part of the san andreas fault, and i have never felt an earthquake ( never even woke up..).


Be careful, be the luckiest man alive for the next week.


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When Hurricane Fran came through here a few years ago, I parked my cars in a big parking garage at a local mall. Pick a place well in the interior on the second level or higher. Disable the engine (for theives) and you are set to go! I might do it again for Isabel.


Good Luck and hang on tight!

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On the news last night they had a reporter in one of those planes that fly through hurricanes (crazy bastards!!). Anyway, they measured winds at the 'eye wall' at 205 knots...highest in recorded history.....this ain't no baby storm boys!!



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Hey Doug...I think I'm good. But thank so much for the offer. I heard the area that I live in is not prone to flooding, but we'll see. I live off Todds Lane near Bethel Temple...five mintues from Hampton Mall. Let's hope it's not too bad. They cleared or are going to clear Langley AFB where I work. I had no idea it was that low of a level. I knew it was low, but damn...11 feet! They told me to get my work bays sand bagged...done. Now we wait. :-D



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I went through Andrew in '92 and luckily my home in Ft. Lauderdale was far enough north of the eye that all we lost were a couple of trees and powerlines. A category 2 is nothing to sneeze at, just make sure everything is boarded up and you should be ok though, hopefully the storm surge doesn't get you too bad, that will probably be the worst part of it as long as it doesn't reintensify closer to land where the water's warmer.

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Well it`s over!

Hurricane Isabel came and went.

It ended up going about 70 miles west of the "Hampton Roads" area. Thank goodness.

What we got here in the Newport News area was just over a cat 1 rating.

We lucked out!

My house has some minor damage, gutters ripped off, roof damage, 1 tree on my property down (did not fall on anything) and lots of tree limbs down.

I was here be my self and thursday (from 10am to after 10pm) was a stressful day.

My house shook like crazy! I was conserned that my roof was going to come off.

Folks NEVER down play the might of even the smallest of storms!

I lost electric from 1:00pm thrusday until today (sat) at about 6:00pm.

Next time when one is forecasted to come my way , I`m broading windows up and getting out of town.

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