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free gtr service manual


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Thanks Stony. Ive been looking out for this for months and now it is tantalisingly close , but when I download it I end up with 800 odd blank pages that I cant save and locked up my computer when I tried to print a page.

Has anyone else successfully downloaded this file.

Any ideas on what is happenning, or is it corrupted.


Help please? Neil :?

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Guest 1975yellowBSPZ


It was too big as a zip, your server kicked it out, pdf's don't compress well I couldn't get any smaller.


Do you an email account that can take 20 meg?



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out of all my email accounts the one i posted is my work account and thats probably the one that can take the largest files. My other accounts are like 10mb att accounts which are useless.


Thanks for trying, i really do apreciate it.


Do you have any idea why i am having so much trouble trying to open the link? When i tried to open it before i was at work on a T1 connection.


Let me know if you have any ideas? Worst case scenario, if i sent you a return fedex mailer, could you burn a copy onto a floppy or a cd and send it to me? Sorry for being so retarded, but i could really use this manual right now. We are straitening out the wiring on my car now and it would be nice to see how the motor was set up originally.


thanks again. Regards - Michael

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If your using IE: Right Click then select Save-as and choose a location to save it. Open it up off your Harddrive. The Manual is 23mb and even on a T1 thats over a 2min download. Also might not have enough free memory to open the file (try closing all your applications other then IE)


Hope that helps you out.

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OK, got it put up now:




For you IE guys: right-click, save as

For Mozilla/Netscape: right-click, save link target as

If you're using some other browser, you're on your own


I've got 10GB of bandwidth per month, if I get to the point where I get my "80% traffic alarm" email, I'll pull it until the next month--just so everyone knows



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Jim and all of the rest of y'all, thanks so much for all of your help. Surprisingly, when i came to work this morning, the manual seems to have loaded itself on my browser so I am printing it now.


Thanks again. I think its amazing that all of us come together to help one another, and i hope that i am as helpful to the folks on this site and they always are to me.


Regards - Michael


Oh yea, I forgot, STONY, thanks also for putting this out.

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Many thanks Jim, I tried everything to download off the original site but always ended up with an I/O error and couldn't read the file.

I downloaded off your site no problems , so now have a stack more info to play with. Was hoping for chassis dimensions to add more info to Multi_link rear end document I was working on but still plenty of other good reading. As Nissan is a very good parts bin manufacturer a lot of parts are easily addapted between models just need to check your info.

Yes I was using I/E on 25 GB spare hard drive space and 256MB ram seems there is something wrong with the integration between Acrobat and I/E and the original file.


Anyway going for a months holiday so will catch up on my return. Neil :lol:

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Guest Tempe_Z

I'll wager the problem is because the PDF was being served off a misconfigured Apache web server. For some reason PDF's on Apache versions that are in the older revisions (1.3.12-1.3.14) go nutty if you don't add some directives to disable the "keepalive" functionality when using IE and trying to view larger PDF's. I believe newer versions have fixed the problem and older ones didn't have it either. It has something to do with the way IE handles i/o connections so technically it's MS's problem more than Apache itself. Not terribly important but in case you were scratching your head as to why it did what it did you now have an answer.


Edit: Yep just checked, the original site is an Apache web server so that'd most likely be the problem. Jimzdat's site is running it as well but he's using 1.3.28 or has put in the no keepalive directive in the config file for it.

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