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1200 miles, and a Nissan V8

David K

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I got my Nissan V8.


Pam and I left Saturday morning and headed up to San Francisco 400 miles away. It was a long ass drive, but it was very realxing to look out your window and see nothing for miles. I live in the city, so seeing all that space was like trying to imagine the universe before the big bang. It took us 6 hours of driving, and an added 2 hours for refueling, food, potty, etc....for an added 8 hours of driving going 70mph average.


Got to San Leandro about 5pm. I went straight to the hardware store to pickup a pallet and a strap for the engine, then went over to pick her up. When we got to the house, i saw her on the side of the house. I ran over to it and started examining. Cool ass engine!!!! Handed $300 over to the guy, loaded it up, and hit the little hwy to Frisco!


Ive never been to Frisco before. As soon as we got there, after going over a 4 mile long bridge, i realized Los Angeles is a country town compared to Frisco. We went down to Fishermans Wharf, Chinatown, The Embarcadero, etc etc etc. We went back to San Leandro after driving and walking around for 3 hours and got a hotel room. We woke up Sunday morning and went back over to the city.


We drove over the Golden Gate bridge and back, drove around downtown a lot, and checked out the scenes. We then headed out for hom, which was 7 hours away. We left at 3pm, got home at midnight/this morning. San Fransisco is an amazing city! We are going back for vacation for a week next year.


Wait, where are the pictures of the engine you ask?












And a few of my favorite pics from the trip.











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ALso, check out this TRICK custom tranny bellhousing. The previous owner before the guy i bought it from cut the president V8 tranny bellhousing in half, and then cut a Nissan Z bellhousing in half, and welded the Z half to the president half. Look at the welds. I can now slip off a 5 speed bellhousing, slip on the custom bellhousing, and bolt a 5 speed right up to the V8. Pretty cool huh?



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awesome david...

did you find out if any USDM parts work in that motor?

did you deside what type of Z you will be putting it in?

congrads and awesome pics.

what car did you take to pick the motor up and drove around?



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Guest bastaad525
I have never heard of Nissan having a V-8. What is that out of?


Al :D


It gets better... there was a turbo version made... I believe a TWIN turbo but I might be wrong there... but definately a turbo, fuel injected version. Paul Newman used to race a 280ZX that had that twin turbo Nissan V8 in it. If not that exact same motor than a motor very similiar to it... I saw pics in an old issue of Zcar magazine... looks the same to me.

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Yes, I have to admit it, I'm envious. I've never seen this in a Z, and for you to have this opportunity is priceless. A vintage Japanese carbureted V8...how cool is that. Keep us well informed of how it progresses. Alsil, this motor is out of the "President" which from my understanding was basically the Japanese version of a limousine

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Sorry David that we were never able to hook up. You'll have to come up again when I'm not "on call". Three calls, 12 1/2 hours of o.t., ruined my whole weekend. But what a paycheck I've got coming.


Nice score on the motor. Now explain how this thing bolts up to the stock S30 motor mounts.

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