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If all goes well I'll be picking up an '86 Supra for next to nothing in the next few days. The car is in great shape overall but the paint is badly oxidized, red paint and bright sunlight don't mix well. I wanted to know if there is a way to remove the oxidation without having to repaint. I know Meguires makes a product called 'Body Scrub' that supposedly helps, so I'm thinking I'll give it a shot. If it doesn't work out, what else can I do? Wetsand?


Thanks guys.

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i used rubbing compound and all the stages of wax ( cleaner, wax, carnuba). the paint went from looking like brown primer to a deep

root-beer metallic, if you were going to do this i would test it in a small area because it could mess up your paint. it depends on what type of paint was used.


you could get someone to paint it for you. pipelayer ( i think ) will do a good paint job for cheap.

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