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Pics from my knee surgery *disturbing*


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Ok, maybe they arent that nasty, no blood or nothing just gross, just a lot of swelling and bruising. Check out my album. I posted them but when you view them they go the opposite order that i posted them so they referencec the pic before them. Oops. These were taken 4 days after and i havent improved yet over 1 week later. My knee still looks like Rocky Dennis' face.



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yeah i just went this morning and they drained about 75ml of blood from the swollen part on the lfet side of my knee. It is still big, but i am going back in a week to see if they still need to drain more. And let me tell you how sick i feel after them putting that big needle to pull out theat blood moving it around in my knee and pushing on it to get everything out. I think i actually need to lat down after just thinking bout it. Eww.

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Guest Looking for apt in Alb Ny

hey Ryan. Man that sucks. If you need some extra money cause you are away from work I have some projects you can work on here. I set up the spare room as the official JSK in home tinker box. ttyl juan

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ive had my knee operated on, they said that they fixed it, well now everytime its really cold or very damp what they fixed hurts like hell and cramps like a sum bitch.


i hope your recovery is fast.

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Guest Want aZ

been there done that, it's kinda a nature of the beast though, being in the military. Have had 2 on my left and 1 on the right. All was orthoscopic (sp). removed cartlidge in both. removed bone fragments in both. Continued to run about 25 miles a week for the last 5 years. Have only recently (1yr) had problems with the development of arthritis in both. And yes they do tend to hurt a bit during cold and damp weather...




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Yeah, i torn my inferior patella tendon or something like that. When i walked my knee cap would pop out to the side instead of going up and down. I can actually feel my knee cap now that they pulled all tat blood out, but it didnt reall take away from all the swelling on the side.

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Guest BigWhyteDude

my dad tore his ACL in his knee in a basketball game a few years ago. The doc did open knee sugery on him. He now has a 6 inch long scar on his leg. He also can tell us when it is going to rain. I would say snow but we hardly ever get snow down this far south :(

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Whoa cool! Looks like somebody needs to get some sun :D . Ah, don't let those needles get to you. When I smash a finger so bad that the swelling hurts after a couple days, I just pull out the cordless screw gun and a 1/8" drill bit and relieve that pressure :D I just drill right through the nail :wink: .



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I used to know a guy who's job was to go into the O.R. and tell the first timer surgeons where to cut, and basically walk them through the surgery. I was talking to him about it and he said to me "When you were in high school, how many of the kids that you thought were destined for medical school took shop classes?" I said none. He then told me that I was right on the mark, and that most of the surgeons he worked with didn't know which end of the hammer did what. And yes, the tools they use in the O.R. are drills, hammers, chisels, saws, etc. Every time I think of that it makes my toes curl... I wouldn't trust most of the medical school bound high school students I knew to make a LAMP for me, let alone hack thru my femur with a friggin saw.



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most of the surgeons he worked with didn't know which end of the hammer did what. And yes, the tools they use in the O.R. are drills, hammers, chisels, saws, etc. Every time I think of that it makes my toes curl... I wouldn't trust most of the medical school bound high school students I knew to make a LAMP for me, let alone hack thru my femur with a friggin saw.



Which explains why I operate on chicks in the day and my special girl (4 wheeled kind) at night :-D It helps to cross train.

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Whoa cool! Looks like somebody needs to get some sun :D .


It is mostly the light :wink: , actually i am pretty pale for being mostly italian and native american, but it must be the tiny bit english that is me that traces back to the damn mayflower. Them damn brits made me pale. :lol:

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I've had two acl reconstructions (one on each knee) 1 open joint surgery and 4 scopes.


Play basketball, ski and do just about anything I want, I guess it depends on the doctor. I was lucky enough to have the Mets and US Open doctor do my knees. Both acl's reconstructed 9 weeks apart. I was crazier back then.


As far as the guys father who had his acl fixed and they opened the joint, talk about old school. With thechnology today they don't do that any more, infact they perfected the scope back in the late 80's.


Today a scope for my knee is no worse than going to the dentist. I call it spring cleaning.

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