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Alien vs. Predator


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Oh man, don't get me started! I went to the movies last night and when I saw the AVP advertisment I nearly sh!t myself!! :oops: It's a good thing they hung it up next to the restrooms. I can't wait for it to come out -- I've played avp on the computer and loved every bit of it -- hell, even when the Super Nintendo was popular I used it for avp. I did like Resident Evil -- it scared the hell out of my girlfriend after watching it in the theaters. Hehe, because she wasn't 17 then, I had to buy two tickets two a Disney movie, and then we snuck into Resident Evil -- after the movie I joked that we should've stayed in with the Disney showing. Anyways, yeah, I will be one of the first customers for that movie -- I'm a diehard fan of the Predator! He RULES! :twisted:

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It's really not a fair fight because the predator has weapons and is an intelligent creature, while the alien is just a bad ass animal. It would be like you vs. a lion with a gun. Remember Aliens (plural)? Those space marines kicked ass with their weapons. Now, if you took the genetic mutant aliens from the last alien movie, where they were hybridized with Sigourney Weaver, and gave them rocket propelled grenades and .50 caliber machine guns, I would put my money on the alien/human hybrid.

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Remember Aliens (plural)? Those space marines kicked ass with their weapons


wait a minute. The marines where cool but they got there asses kicked. They had to run outside and cry a little. The siggy had to comfort them and suggest that they nuke the place from orbit. They would not last a full day in there. ALIENS RULE!!!!


the reason why people think aliens can be beat is that marines and predators just kill a few and then run back home. It is like swatting a bee and declaring yourself a winner. oh oh... here comes the rest of the hive.


anyways everyone knows predators don't really exits. :wink:

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I don't know.....


In Predator 2, wasn't there a skeleton of an Alien in the Predator's spaceship? I thought I remember seeing that.


Anyway, I'd say the Predator will lose. If an overweight old guy (Danny Glover) can beat him one on one, I'd say he doesn't have a chance against a hive of Aliens.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

All I gotta say is I hope this inspires a new video game. There was one version of AvP that I use to play in the arcade that rocked! There were other versions that sucked but one was just the best game ever. I would love to see a new AvP game with today's gaming tech. Hmm, PC online multiplayer :twisted:

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wait a minute. The marines where cool but they got there asses kicked. They had to run outside and cry a little. The siggy had to comfort them and suggest that they nuke the place from orbit. They would not last a full day in there. ALIENS RULE!!!!


I kinda disagree, i know the marines pretty much all died but, they were up against what, hundreds of aliens? There were just a handful of marines. Plus, they didn't really know what they were up against until a few of them died.


I think the marines could put a world of hurt on them now. But, either way...it would be a bloody battle.


I would like to see more Alien moveis made. Follow the books story line. Anyway, I hope its a good movie.



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I would love to see a new AvP game with today's gaming tech. Hmm, PC online multiplayer


I'm not sure if you knew this already, but they already do have a pretty damn good version of AvP for the PC right now, which is an online multiplayer. It kicks ASS!

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ok maybe preditor has all the wepons and stuff.. but the aliens are very smart. didnt you see them in the latest movie? they plan against the humans very strategicly. the preditor got beat by 2 humans. and that was fighting them solo. looks to me like the preditor has a battle.

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Guest Looking for apt in Alb Ny

I have been very well involved with the comic Dark Horse when I was a kid in high school. yes the alien skull was in P2

hmm its going to be a bad ass movie or at least the concept. The movie I believe will be based on each creature learning the others vulnerability. Hope fully they dont screw it up. Maybe itll take 3 hrs like the second film to get the story laid out properly and not mock it all up in 90 mins.

I vote for the predator hands down with it comes to weapns. Then there wouldnt be a movie cause all he would have to do is blast one of his Nukes on his arm. Head to head mano y mano predator is dinner. The alien will gets its acid juicey crap and melt his ugly face away. should be interesting. i can blab about this all night but its 3 am in NY. later.

Oh i went and saw the Hulk 4 times. stupid info.

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If it is alienS then I think they'll win.

it it is one alien then it depends much more on environment. is this in the woods, the city, spaceship?

I'm looking forward to this one. gonna have to leave the wife home for it though.

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