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Police Harrassment


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Hey, know what i LOVE to hear? I like when a stupid punk does something wrong, the cops bust his ass (or shoot him), and then the community rallies around the punk ass because they claim he is the victim of police harrassment/brutality. Just like the reason for the L.A. riots, you know the main group that was out there, i dont need to say it, or look bad saying it. I love watching cops do their thing. They catch a bad guy and he continually yells "ay didn doo anydting", "i aint do nuttin". Yeah right bub, tell that to the judge!!! :D

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Flip side: I took my car out early Sunday morning (0700) after working on the suspension the night before. Coming off the cloverleaf one of the springs set into the perch, so when I got on the straight part of the highway (no traffic within 200 yards except for a state trooper WAY back, I did the wobble thing in my lane (at least thats what I thought) to make sure all the springs were "set". I was promptly pulled over and issued an unsafe driving sitation because I crossed the lane boundries repeatedly. Technically, yeah, he was right, but the spirit of the law was raped in this case. No traffic within a reasonable buffer and at a safe speed. I guess we all have stories of "indiscriminate" use of the law by those enforcing them. Anyway, I catch myself remembering this situation (and a couple others like it) more than the many, many times that I've been cut a lot of slack (when I indeed was in the wrong) by these folks. Trying to keep a proper perspective on these things.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
..give me a "single finger wave"...


Wasnt there a rapper that did that on camera and then complained because the cops "attacked" him. :twak::cry::lol:


I love that, I think I am going to print out a stack of copies of that and hand them to anyone who gives me any sh#@ for wanting to go into law enforcement.

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Guest Carrman

Ya know, I'd have a lot more respect for law enforcement if the local cops here had actually investigated the theft of my 510. The officer who took my report flat out told me they would not investigate the theft, but would just wait for it to "show up somewhere". But they are sure able to install red light cams, operate a photo radar van, etc...... Gee, I guess they don't need to investigate real crime when there is cash to be made in issuing citations. Yeah, I'm sore about this.



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Hey Carrman,


Just from a law enforcement perspective, I'm curious to know what you want the cops to do to investigate your loss?? There's really not much to go on usually. "I parked my car here last night and now it's gone" is what we usually get. Aside from checking the known locations of car thieves, or car dumping grounds when the thieves are done with it, there's really nothing to do unless the car just happens to be in one piece and is being driven around town by the guy who took it, AND he just happens to draw enough attention to himself by doing something stupid like speeding. Other than that, thats about all that we can do. Or maybe you'd like the cops to devote endless manhours to finding your car rather than responding to domestic violence calls, missing childeren calls or triggered alarms at your local businesses. Sorry, I'm ranting, but this is kind of a sore spot. We get that alot and it really is a thankless job and nobody wants us around until they need us. Don't get me wrong, I feel for you and your loss. But my point is, there's a lot of things we can do for the community, but there are also a lot of things we cannot do. So just bare with us and rest assured for the most part they are doing what they can for you and your community.

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Guest Carrman

Actually, local law enforcement does not do squat for the community. All they did was pretty much blow me off, and made it a waste of time for me to file a report. My car was uniqie, and they could have at least investigated by checking with what few other 510 owners are here in this valley. Our police act like they are god, and can do no wrong. State police and sheriffs department are much better than the city cops. All our officers are interested in is writing tickets, instead of investigating real crime.



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Guest Z-rific

I'm torn when it comes to law enforcement. There are great cops and there are criminals in cop uniforms. I think the power goes to a lot of their heads. Yet I know a few cops who are just as down to earth as the next guy.


The one issue that has always peeved me when it comes to cops, is that they rarely, if ever, issue DUI's to fellow officers or Firemen. Hell, i know a few cops that drink and drive on a regular basis; never to an extreme, but certainly past legal levels. And I have a fireman friend who got pulled over while very hammered. He said the cop was about to reem him until he opened his wallet to get his ID, the officer saw his firemans badge and gave him a lift home!


Doesn't the law apply equally to everybody?


I was also in a minor fender bender once because a cop screamed through an intersection with lights and no sirens, causing the guy in front of me to check up hard and I bumped him. The other guy's bumper pushed in and he called the cops for a report. When the cop showed up, we were able to pull the bumper out and all was forgiven. I asked the cop what the rules were for speeding through red-light intersections. He told me that a cop has to use sirens and lights, then must make sure all traffic is clear, then proceed. Had I been stuck paying the other guys damage, the police dept. would have received a call from me for sure.


All in all though, the majority of the cops i've dealt with have been cool. Just those damn bad apples....


By the way Terry, you can easily fight that ticket and have it cleared.

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Don't even get me started about cops(Sheriff, State Patrol, City Police). Sheriffs came to my house at 4:30am on a Sunday morning looking for a missing person. I wasn't home, I was away hunting for the week. They actually thought my wife had somehow kidnapped a teenage girl from the mall that same day, because my wife was there shopping. Don't ask me how they made the connection, but the girl was just off at a party passed out and showed up the next day. A real crack pot missing person investigation, no wonder Elizabeth Smart was never found in the same city she disappeared in. I could go on with several stories to explain why I don't like cops, but we'll just leave it at that. And just to let it be known, I have only been in court once in my life and it was for harassing a police officer, but that is another story. I have a state patrol brother-in-law and another relative that is city police, and they both know how I feel about cops. Conversation is sparce whenever I am around them.


On a different note I took the state patrol guy for a ride in the turbo 240z and did a launch at 3500rpm and left black marks for about 100 feet and pulled about 110mph with him. He looked over at the speedo and I said, "yeah I changed rear ends and speedo is off a little, we are only doing about 55mph".

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On a different note I took the state patrol guy for a ride in the turbo 240z and did a launch at 3500rpm and left black marks for about 100 feet and pulled about 110mph with him. He looked over at the speedo and I said, "yeah I changed rear ends and speedo is off a little, we are only doing about 55mph".

ha ha ha ROTFLMAO!!!!



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sure, obviously there exists legimate traffic crime, the guy who is creating a true public safety concern. but court overtime numbering in the thousands of dollars is in my opinion an incentive program that promotes frivolous prosecution. and i thought ticket quotas were what made the cops in my area a little overzealous.hell, my wife got pulled over for fixing her hair because a nys trooper thought she was talking on a cellphone........ it just really seems like they look for a reason, and if i could damn near double my income by getting my name on as many court dates as possible, i'd be all over it.

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Having an officer outright lie in court when I was 16 is what did it for me. Long story short "the tires were spinning so wildly that the back of the car was fishtailing side to side endangering pedestrians in the parking lot". The car in question was a FRONT WHEEL DRIVE Chevy Citation. The tires chirped when I shifted from reverse to 1st while still rolling backwards slightly - the front wheels had also been sitting in a puddle of greasy water. Because I admitted that the tires had chirped (true) prior to the officers big whopping LIE the judge simply reduced the charges. The cop had been looking to nail me and thought he had his chance, he was almost right and I learned alot about the police that day.


I had another officer not too long ago attempt much the same thing - I brought witnesses and made it quite clear to him and the prosecutor (who offered to reduce!) that I was going to fight. Gee, before I could make an ass out of him in front of the judge they dropped the charges, he apologized, and he admitted he was in the wrong. I lost two days of leave as did my witnesses since he didn't show up for the first case and the judge postponed it (rather than toss it). I should have made them try the case.


Sorry for those of you in law enforcement but it really does only take one bad apple to spoil the barrel. I could go on, to include having to show one officer how to fingerprint my car after a theft, but it would be pointless. 5 B&E thefts on various cars I've owned and NONE of them ever resulted in anything being done. Around here an officer's primary job appears to be revenue collection via traffic trolling and in some cases driving unmarked sports cars attempting to get people to race from lights. Yes, I'm serious they have done that here. :evil:

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