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Rich Girls


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I was trying to do some homework, but also had the TV on for backround noise (don't ask, I'm weird). That show Rich Girls was on. The show that follows around Tommy Hilfiger's girl and her friend. Well, the preview for the next show had Mr. Hilifiger at the Ferrari dealership looking for a new car. The cut to a seen showing him in an Enzo saying: "Look how cheap it is, it doesn't even have push button windows." To say the least, I was about to bash the TV. AAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! :x:x:x That is just a slap at Ferrari heritage right there. Why don't you go buy some Maybach and leave the real cars to the rich people that know what they are about. Better yet...buy the car and give it to me because you think it should be more plush. :D


I think I'm done ranting. I'm going to go bash my head on something to let the rest of my disgust out. :evil::evil::evil::evil:

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That Hillfiger guy is a meatholster. I saw an interview with him a few years back, when his clothing line was all the rage, and he kept saying how he hated the designs and would never wear his own brand! 'All that urban baggy stuff is ridiculous, but the kids keep buying it'. This was on, like, Good Morning America. Idiot.

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"Meatholster"? Cusp, you get the "slam master of the day" award!


Although some of his clothes look nice and are seemingly well made, I would never buy anything that turns me into a walking billboard for someone else. "Oh, look everybody, I'm wearing TOMMY! I can be just like everyone else! Look at ME! Look at ME!" *retch* The one thing I admire about the man is that he has the balls to tell the truth on TV. Baggy pants are an infantile trend, right up there with polyester leisure suits and swinging gold medallions. Personally, I try not to dress in anything that people will see me wearing in pictures in 20 years and laugh.


I think I dislike "fashion" so intensely just because every brainless twit seems to covet it so. I want to distance myself from the moronic masses at every opportunity. God forbid a 240Z show up on a future installment of "Fast and Furious". Generally speaking, if "everyone is doing it", it's probably something that will send me screaming into the woods.


And by the way - since Ms. Hilton does not want you to see that videotape, isn't watching it uncomfortably close to rape? At very least it's disrespectful. Not to mention the fact that it's probably very poorly made, and wouldn't even stimulate a goat.


Just my opinion - I could be wrong.

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I`m not looking for stimulation, just more curious than anything.

Kinda like rubber necking when you pass a car wreck. I`ve been curious about the Tommy Lee/Pamela Anderson video too,but have never seen it either. :roll:


I agree completely with your comments on fashion. There are way too many sheep out there willing to follow the leader over a cliff.

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A friend showed me the Paris Hilton video today. It's pretty disturbing actually, she is like totally out of it or on some kinda drugs or something. Also it's really grainy and taken with the night vision mode of a camera or something so its hard to see and their eyes glow really bright.

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I guess I missed something, but I'm not sure how it went from Tommy Hilfiger talking about how the Enzo wasn't good enough to the Pam and Tommy video. Actually I'm not even sure why the topic went to the Paris Hilton video for that matter. Anyone care to explain?

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I thought it was just a natural progression in conversation about one group of self absorbed rich girls to another. :? None of which has any idea what the real world is like, outside of there glass house where their every whim is catered to. :roll:


Sorry, but this is pretty much how a conversation goes with someone that has a touch of ADD. :D It NEVER stays on the original subject

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That's cool. :-D I guess I just used the Rich Girls subject line, because that's the name of the show from which I watched a situation that really pissed me off. I was hoping that you guys would sympathize with the shear autmotive stupidity Mr. Hilfiger put forth on my television. :evil:

The Paris Hilton thing is definitely an interesting turn on the converstation. I don't mind, but I just didn't see how it went that way. Guess I'm a little thick headed at the moment, because I have so much school work to do and three project cars. :bonk:

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As of three days ago Paris WHO? Basically she is Mr. Hilton (owner of the hotels) daughter. There are two daughters one georgeous the other very attractive. The georgeous one did a video with a guy and somehow it got to the web. Its about 2min 50sec long and is crap. She is pretty hot but yeah she was way way out of it. Plus night vision was used and there eyes are freaky black. And as RPMS pointed out she did not give concent to have this tape used in this way. So it is indeed a form of rape. I WANT AN ENZO!!!!

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I did finally get to view the 2.5 min clip and it was just what I expected.


If you have ever seen her on E or celebrities uncencored, this is pretty much the same thing.

She is the type that always has to play and pose for the camera. Almost like a body builder poses and flexes in the mirror.

I have heard her comment many times about how HOT her and her sister are. :roll:

In the video she spends so much time looking into the camera and trying to make gratuitous poses that almost all of the eroticism is lost. It`s like watching a porno with out editing out the directors voice.


What most have perceived to be drug induced delierium, is what she is like anytime she thinks a camera is watching.

If it weren`t for their last names they would most likly be porn stars,strippers or prostitutes.

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him in an Enzo saying: "Look how cheap it is, it doesn't even have push button windows."

What's that guy's email address? Or the syndicate's address.


For as much as they pay him, he should know that a REAL Fcar has no power windows, steering, even radio. No DVD, playstation, X-Box, rear-view video, subwoofer, or what else. Maybe in person he knows what's right, but WE should let the writers know they have Enzo rolling in the grave on that one.


Rest in Peace, Enzo. :hail:

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