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An idea for the next HybridZ.org product

Guest Neil

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This may not be an original idea, but it would be cool none the less. Make a small clear sticker with black type to put on your rear or side view mirrors. It would state "Objects in mirror may be slower than they appear" and add the HybridZ.org logo. It'd be descrete, but would make the driver feel that much better when they smoke some riced out honda.


Anyone interested in making these?


What would other members like to see? Just currious.

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Only problem I can see is that the Z mirror (even the OEM ones) are pretty small. From what I have picked up from having decals made, doing this with transfers (stickers that leave only the lettering behind) will be very difficult, and very expensive. When I had the decals made, I wanted them as transfers, but the cost per sticker would have been ~$25, and that was with fairly large graphics.


Just my 2c worth. If you guys are serious, I can get some cost estimates.


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what I would like to see is the T-shirt logo on a smallish clear background sticker. maybe just the right size so that i could place one on each qtr window. that would be nice.



P.S. ever though about a HybridZ.org cafepress online store? they do all the work for you and can have whatever logo you want put on whatever they offer, coffe mugs, aprons, t-shirts ETC. people place an order through them, then they make it and ship to the customer, whatever money from the sale is left over from thier costs, gets sent in check form to the shop owner, maybe we could set it up where it goes into the HybridZ.org account and we could put that moneys right back into the sight (for upgrades or hosting costs...etc etc. )



anywho, thats my thought of the day.

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If you are buying in quantity, these may be the folks you want to talk to. I have done some work for them in the past, and I am good friends with the office manager.


Bama Jammer Promotions


Go a little ways down the page, and look for the Product Catalog on the left side of the screen. You can browse some of the litterally thousands of products they offer. They can even handle the inventory, ordering, and shipping for an organization. (I wrote the software for that :-D )


I am planning some little six pack coolers form my business.

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well i wouldnt mind a Hybridz Beer glass.. that would rule!

and im with sparky.. i deff would sport those stickers that he talked about.




also Tim you get my check yet?

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