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Tranny/Shifter problem.


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I got a 5.0 yesterday, and was told that the shifter needed to be replaced. Shifting into first, it pops out, but once it goes in it will stay there. Second will go, but grinds, so I don't use it. Third gives a small "brrrr" then goes in fine. Fourth and fifth shift in and out with no problems. Could this really just be a problem with the shifter? It's a short throw shifter, and I was told by the guy that sold me the car that there is a "ball" in there that's cracked in half. Would this cause these problems? The motor has less than 76,000 miles on it, and the tranny is newer than the motor, so unless someone has really been slamming the gears hard...

the guy said he went to the performance shop here in town and bolted in a new shifter, and it eliminated the problem completly, but the guy isn't completly trust worthy either...

so basically what I'm asking is:

Is this really a problem concerning the short throw shifter, or am I looking at a tranny rebuild?




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Ok now that this is in the right forum.... I think the transmition has had it man. It is quite common for the 5.0 Mustang to get abused like hell, and I have seen a few that are still pretty quick, but hard to drive/shift. The shift forks in the trany can get bent from ppl literaly "ripping" the shifter out of first gear and "slaming" it into 2nd, and so on and so on, ect... This eventually wears everything inside and causes the grinding "brrr" sound, and the poping out of gear. They called these "world class T-5's" but they are actually somewhat weak, when abused and eventually grenade after lots of abuse. And lets face it, you are not going to drive a 5.0L like a K-car! Lucky for you, you should be able to find a good used T-5 pretty cheep (if you need one at all!) Hope this helps.

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Found out the problem was in the shifter and the clutch. I forgot to mention that the car has very recently (3 - 4 weeks) had a Center Force clutch installed. The guy who had the car before me put the clutch in himself, and the quick fix will be an adjustable clutch cable. (I'm told around $75.) I'll also need a new short throw shifter.


At least I don't have to replace a transmission.


P.S.> I just got back from picking up the motor and tranny that was in the 240 I sold to Mark (N.C.)...my boss is building a drag truck, so I talked him into using that motor.



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