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Well Im finally finished. Many hours in the garage yesterday to complete the CV swap. It was very easy and I would recommend anyone doing it themselves. I am sorry to say I must defect from JSR because I drove the Z lastnight with great results!!!!! Ill always remember the great times we had on the stands instead of in the stands!!! :D:D



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OK, heres the deal for those that are thinking of the rear disk swap. If you do it and have a 240 MC and brake booster, replace it with the 10 inch unit or the 280ZX booster and MC. After I swapped that in today I couldnt believe the improvement in braking. Its like night and day. I have a good stiff pedal that stops very well. The back does not lock up with the fronts either even though I still havent put the proportion valve in yet. I dare to say that I am finished with the upgrades.....I still need to get some tubing welded in under the car where the rear frame starts just behind the seatbelt box on the floor. I can see some twisting going on there and need to get it welded in soon. Oh I did have to turn the booster upside down to be able to fit the best thru the firewall (280ZX Booster). I removed the spacer on the booster and had to remove the nut on the the front of the pedal stop then screw it all the way in to get proper clearance for mounting the pedal to the booster fork. Its a perfect fit. You will have to redrill the firewall too if you still have the stock 240 booster. Other than that it was a piece of cake.




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