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I love playing two+ player games cooperatively. Yeah, I grew up on Contra and Double Dragon... what's the best for that type?


theres a lot of games like that.. my favorites are ghost recon and halo.. you can have a 8 on 8 battle with other plays online.. just like playing paintball on your x box without getting paint on you..

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
I would say PC. Even though its not on the list, but a PC cains a console anyday.


Ditto! A PC can typically walk all over any console, and a properly built PC will just leave you in awe. My next PC project is going to be a custom built gaming computer in a custom case that will be small enough to be portable like a console.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
I love playing two+ player games cooperatively. Yeah, I grew up on Contra and Double Dragon... what's the best for that type?


PC is great for MORPG (Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) and MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). Nothing beats a good round of Half-Life Counterstrike, Quake Arena, or Unreal Tournament.

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Guest smoov280zx

If you play Gran Turismo 3 or get Gran Turismo 4, you will see that even the over hyped XBox can't even begin to compete with a racing game like that. Project Gotham, any other racing game on a console might be good, but they are a steaming pile of crap compared to gran turismo. That is a fact, if you like realism. If you like the easy arcade style of need for speed, then get any console. Those games are a dime a dozen.

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I've been an avid gamer for 20+ years (yea...im old). I did the console thing for many of those years starting on atari2600. I now play almost solely PC games.


There will always be the PC vs Console argument. I speak from my own personal experience over the years and will give you MY honest opinion.


In MY opinion..

PC games are far superior to any console games in depth, realism, variety, gameplay, game control, graphics and selection. Unlike a PC-You cant upgrade your PS2, just replace it. You cant download craploads of free game mods and even free games. You cannot get the same precise game control on any gamepad that can be had with a simple mouse or other available plug in controllers which include everything from full racing wheel setups to full fighter pilot controls with stick..and, no, console add-on controllers are not in the same league). No console to date offers near as good a multiplayer interface as PCs have for many years already. Now with cable and dsl connects being common..the online gameplay is just incredible. Sure a PC costs more then a console..but it also does a hell of alot more. The prices of quality gamer PC parts these days is so cheap that its not really an issue IMO. The higher price tag is FAR outweighed by the performance, game selection, graphics, versatility and so on.


Just the opinion I personally ended up with after playing them all for so many years. I still play my PS occasionally and have played the new ones aswell. To me, Im not truly gaming unless its multiplayer on a PC against other dedicated dudes that want my head on a stick just as bad as I do theirs. You can keep that 'split screen', 4player stuff. I'll take my full 19" screen and high speed cable in a blistering 25+player round of shooting/racing anyday!




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Guest bastaad525

It really just depends what kind of games you're into. I have yet to see a really good, fun, Mario-style platform-jumping coin-collecting style of game on the PC... (or for that matter some of the less 'kiddie' action games that we grew up on, the contras and castlevanias, or the zeldas and sonics, etc.) and the fact remains there are a ton of guys out there that like those games still. Not to mention a really good one-on-one fighting game, like Street Fighter, which are all but nonexistant on the PC (which sux, playing these over broadband would rock). There's also a lack of the Final Fantasy-type RPG's on PC, which are VERY different from your massive multiplayer RPG's, or from any PC RPG, and can be very enjoyable. Or the simple to pick up but hard to put down space-ship-shootemup, both of the overhead view variety and the sidescrolling variety. There are a lot of genre's that are just not covered by PC. Also, some people dont view the non-upgradeability of console systems as a drawback... I rather like that I dont need to replace my PS2 but once every five years or so, while I have to start thinking of video card updates every year or two!!! And again, keep in mind that a top of the line video card alone will usually meet or excede the price of a console system. Both options are great, and each one is better than the other in certain respects, it really just comes down to what type of games you prefer. I dont know why PC guys cant ever just say that both alternatives are good... to them consoles are better used as paperweights. Very closed minded many of them are. In my eyes PC gaming wouldn't even be where it was today if it weren't for Atari and Nintendo creating the whole market. Anyways... to me... ALL games and game systems are good!!! I want to play them all!

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I own the PS2 and the Gamecube, and I find myself playing the Gamecube about 10 times as much. The PS2, in all its glory, ended up being for me nothing but a Gran Turismo carrying case.


The Gamecube, my friends, is a fabulous machine with an unfortunate stigma for being a kids console. Of course they look cartoony, because they're not real...Not even the best looking games look real, just less bright and colorful. I personally will take a well made game over a jaw-dropping graphic game any day: content is everything, and I trust Nintendo to make the best games possible, and I've never been dissappointed. Plus, when I have kids, I trust Nintendo to have tamer and funner, easier to play games.


I just beat Mario Sunshine, which was a very good game, and am starting Zelda: the Windwaker, which may be the most graphically advanced and unique game Nintendo has made yet. Very impressive.


Unlike the other systems, WHen you buy a game MADE by Nintendo, you know its TOP NOTCH. And Bill Gates has enough money.

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Don't forget that the ps2 also looks the best IMHO. That can be a real bonus in trying to sell it to the wife. They also come in silver. This is the only console I will put in my living room. Ofcours opinions differ.


On the ps2 you can also play all the psx (the first playstation) titles. This greatly expands on the titles you can get.


And this one will probably leed to some discussion but the X-box comes from Bill Gates. And I don't feel like I want to support this man any further.

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