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Anyone using Tech Edge 2.0 wideband meter?


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Guest Peyman88zxt

I have one on order, should be here any day now. I'll let you guys know how it works. I posted about it under fuel delivary but other than one post it went untouched. I got everything including the display and cable and came out to be about $240 shipped. Then you add the sensor for $35 shipped. Its still a pretty good deal when you compare all it features against some of the more expensive ones like the LM-1.

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I was seriously considering this, but look around and you can find the AEM Single Channel UEGO for about $320. This includes the sensor and controller. The Techedge does beat the AEM in price and the fact that a display is included. IMO, either way is a fair value.


I can't wait to plug one of these into my megasquirt setup and see how far off I have it tuned just using the wideband.


Here is one for $327.25



Here is another for $319


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Guest 81na ZX


If you go to this page, about 1/2 down, you'll see that the unit has a RJ45 jack and RJ45 to Serial PC cable ;)


WBo2 to PC cable

Here's an image of the actual RS232 cable for connection between a PC and the WB unit. The cable is used for either logging to a PC, or for re-flashing its code (under control of a PC).




This looks fairly promising, if it'll log all the good stuff...

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Guest Peyman88zxt
Hard to tell from the webpage... but does this unit have RPM logging, or does it just display on the fly only?


It has onboard logging as well logging on a PC. It logs rpms and depending on if you are using the coil signal or tach adaptor signal you switch around the circuit to make it work.

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Hi Guys!


My TechEdge 2.0, display and cable kits arrived a couple of days ago. Total cost was just under $300CDN (not including the sensor, which I haven't picked up yet). Everything was nicely packaged, and they're very comprehensive kits. Instructions are all available on-line, including schematics. I just finished building the display (took a few hours). Pretty straight forward, although some experience with electronics assembly helps.


The TechEdge can datalog 7 inputs:

3 Thermocouple

3 0-5V (map sensor, etc)

1 RPM (coil or ECU source)


As Peyman88zxt indicated, it has on-board logging so you don't have to have a notebook with you all the time. But you can still log with a PC if you want.


All in all, if you don't mind doing your own assembly, I think the TechEdge can't be beat. The Innovate Motorsports and AEM both start at over $300US. The AEM doesn't even give you a display or the ability to datalog and you have to buy a $100 cable if you want to datalog RPM on the Innovate Motorsport unit. If you own a PalmPilot, you can save yourself $70AUS by using the Palm for a display with the TechEdge.



'73 240ZT

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Hi all, I bought the kit and assembled it about a year ago. Not to hard to assemble and it appeared to work well. I got the display kit as well, and it is pretty accurate, coming from a test and measurement company I built and aligned both units at my work, and they are accurate for the most part. Anyway, I never finished up the data logging part of the unit, as I did not want to deal with looking at the logging on an accell spreadsheet and trying to determine all of the itterations and their relationship to time and rpm and all that stuff. I did not feel the logging was to user frendly, and I am not a novice at all of this stuff, so I just blew it off and opted for the display and use it to verify tuning.

I decided to check out their site today after looking at your posts and was very pleased to find there is some software that is worth downloading so I did and got it on line with my laptop and now I am going to hook up the rpm, user1=MAF readings user2=stock O2 sensor readings and last but not least the O2 readings from the wideband sensor.

So we will see just how good this unit works. I am going to take it to the dyno, and compare it to the horiba sensor used for the tuning and look at the results. I am hoping that they will be very close to the horiba readings. Sure would make me feel better about my 300.00 dollar investment, and we will not mention the two L1H1 sensors I bought.

anyway I will let all of you know how it works out, but it will take a few weeks. :D

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Guest Your Car is Slow

If the "wideband" 02 sensor is 35 dollars...id be seriously questioning its accuracy.


Most Narrowband 02 sensors are more than that....wideband sensors are closer to 200 bucks themselves.


If you are using your stock 02s as a comparison...and they are reading the same....that would really disturb me :)

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According to Motec (doesn't say how they determined this), the NTK accuracy is about 1.5% better than the Bosch LSU.




So, you're looking at roughly +/-0.2 on the ratio. I would say that's not that big a deal. If you're really intent on getting that extra 1.5%, you can use an NTK sensor with the latest rev of the TechEdge kit (it's jumper configurable). I'm not sure if it requires the upcomming software update though (probably).



'73 240ZT

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