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Gotta love some Texas ppl.....

Guest ON3GO

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Ok im about to kill somebody.

im driving home from walmart in my ford ranger. sitting in some traffic like always in Houston. I have the windows down and im just sitting there waiting. i felt like just getting pumped up, i dunno why,i felt way to calm. so i put on a Marilyn Manson cd.... ok 1st of im not a HUGH fan, its not my type of music at all, plus i kinda dont like who he is as a person.. not that i know him either so i cant make any judgements..

but some of his stuff pumps me up.

so im listening to one of those songs i know... its not loud but loud enough.

im still at the light and im singing along and tapping the steering wheel to the beat.. and i look to my left and this guy looks at me and gives me the MEANEST look i ever seen... so i take a second look at him and he yells "FU#K YOU AND ALL YOU SATAN PPL" "GO TO HELL SINNER" and throws his soda can at my truck..

i didnt know what happened!!!!!!! i just sat there and stalled the truck out..

I was pissed but i was more in shock....

when i got home i checked for any dents and sure enough a nice size one on the front drivers side fender..


now i wont bring this whole thread about religion as i know everybody has there own ideas and etc.. but im a christian and i just dont get this..

i wanted to say to him "yo bud were all sinners" and throw lug wrench i had on the seat at him...


god what a day... well Merry Christmas everybody :(



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well the other thing that gets me is that the song i was listening to wasnt one you hear on the radio or etc.. and its not your typical manson song, its quite good and a slow pump-up song :)

so i dunno how this guy knew it was even manson... unless he listens to him, but then why say that stuff to me and throw the soda can at my truck...


man what a F*cker... stuff like this pisses me off.



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that sucks, some people are just assholes, if I were you, start carrying around a 6pack of lipton brisk IceTea, next time someone throws something at your truck, down a can, and WHOOP some ARSE! :D

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hehe, sounds like a plan..

if somebody every does that to me when get my Z on the road... dear lord watch OUT!

i would rip my FMIC off and hit the guy with it..



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i love religious zealots. complete morons who think they are prophets fit to pass judgment. I think the funniest one I've met was a woman who claimed to be a christian prophet, and a pure soul that has not sinned against god. this woman also had a child outside of wedlock.


here's a solution. next time, plow your car at them. it's a truck, you'll probably hurt someone. If cop asks what happened, tell him you were in shock when the soda struck you, and you jerked the wheel. other guy's at fault.


Or! do what I do, follow them home, then burn their house to the ground!

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HAHAHAHA, yeah i guess i gotta try that burning down the house deal... sound fun.

i mean i know its the "christian" thing for me to listen to that type of music but still, no need to throw something at my truck..

i would have loved to have catched up to them but my truck cant go faster then the powerwheels BIGFOOT your kids/whatver have.. its that slow!

but hey.... he might have been a chevy guy you never know..





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Or! do what I do, follow them home, then burn their house to the ground!


Sutle, but yet gets the point across :D I always tell the police that the little leprichaun behind the big rock in the backyard made me do it.


Mike, I had the same thing happen, some "home boy" didn't like how I looked at him while sitting at a stoplight, so he threw a cassette at my car trying to be all badass. I don't put up with crap like that nomatter what the situation. So, a split second after that, I picked up the first heavy thing I could see within my reach which happened to be 2 D batteries and whipped them at his car leaving nice golf ball size dents in his ghetomobile. I was hoping the dick would get out, but him and his homies drove off waving gang sings and swearing. Boy, they sure showed me how tough they were :roll: ...morons



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damn dude.. :)


im not saying this is the first time this type of thing has happend to me

its just the fact that i was listening to music that caused it all thats what got me


once when i was driving my Z32 some punks got beside me and started messing with me

i thought they just wanted to race so i just dropped it a gear and took off and slowed down

then the come flying up with one of the kids hanging outside the car yelling at me and flipping me off

well on my Z i had the purge valves on the side of the car ya i no kinda ricey but i didnt want anybody to see i had nitrous and it was a safe and easy place to put them

well while the kid was hanging outside the car i got REAL close and purged a pretty good amount of gas in his face boy he freaked out

i just took a right turn after that and laughed it off

dumb fu*kers



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i love religious zealots. complete morons who think they are prophets fit to pass judgment. I think the funniest one I've met was a woman who claimed to be a christian prophet' date=' and a pure soul that has not sinned against god. this woman also had a child outside of wedlock.


here's a solution. next time, plow your car at them. it's a truck, you'll probably hurt someone. If cop asks what happened, tell him you were in shock when the soda struck you, and you jerked the wheel. other guy's at fault.


Or! do what I do, follow them home, then burn their house to the ground![/quote']


First off, you assume he is a zealot, and that is most assuredly incorrect. He violated scripture in his actions, by his speech, and in his emotions. The guy was just someone looking to for an outlet for his hate. Even though he mentioned Mike being a "sinner," he forgot that he had more fingers pointing back at him. He's an amoral hatemonger, period. Amoral people react instead of being proactive. Violence begets violence. He had no business saying what he did or doing what he did, but being violent back for this 'minor' thing would not help the situation, especially burning down his house.



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First off' date=' you assume he is a zealot, and that is most assuredly incorrect. He violated scripture in his actions, by his speech, and in his emotions. The guy was just someone looking to for an outlet for his hate. Even though he mentioned Mike being a "sinner," he forgot that he had more fingers pointing back at him. He's an amoral hatemonger, period. Amoral people react instead of being proactive. Violence begets violence. He had no business saying what he did or doing what he did, but being violent back for this 'minor' thing would not help the situation, especially burning down his house.



When I siad "zealot" I implied exactly what you meant, not just a religious fanatic. Sorry if I wasn't clear.


And let me live out my fantasies in my mind, of burning down people's houses, ok? :)

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Guest BigWhyteDude

"Nothing beats the look on the face of some jerk when you pull a huge handgun from under the seat"


yeah thats garenteed to scare the crap out of some one (ask me how i know). :oops:


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