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:roll: Some non-driving, inconsiderate PRICK hit my new vette in the parking lot at work, and didn't even bother to leave a note... What's worse is I was parked at the end of a row where you could position the car in a way that allowed over two feet between my car and the line stripe for the lane and the non-driving individual STILL managed to leave white/ light grey paint on the right front corner and the impact, minimal as it was STILL moved the body panel...


I can buff it out and unbolt and reposition the panel... but now I'm gonna have to re-think driving it to work... Or just live with non-driving people...


Merry Xmas :roll:



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Damn, that sucks. But dont follow in my footsteps. I complained about someone hitting my Z and ended up hitting that crap on the freeway and then my accident!


I was thinking about making a rubber bump strip with magnets that I can stick on the sides of my car when it is parked, then, when I get ready to drive the car, I can just roll them up and toss them in the car.


Wouldnt be inconsiderate prick proof, but definitely might help. :-D


BTW, what is "non-driving"?

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An individual who posesses a license to operate a motorvehicle but is CLEARLY unqualified to maintain control of said vehicle... See sub-paragraph, section C for further defenition of dumb a$$ licensed idiots below...





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People are really bad this time of the year. I'm sorry to hear that your Vette got hit. That blows big time.


Speaking of people who shouldn't be driving, I watched some stupid lady cross over three lanes of traffic (very heavy traffic), then have the nerve to honk at someone, who was stopped at a stop sign to let a bicyclist pass.


I wish I had the ability to remove licenses from some people. There would be a lot fewer non-drivers on the road.

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Guest Anonymous

I bought my wife a C-5 this past summer for our 20th wedding anniversary,(much more fun than diamonds) She was very worried about driving it. I convinced her that it will get dinged and scratched because of people like you described but at least they make them every day and parts are plentiful. I have already buffed out a nice mark on the rt front fender that some idiot (me) put on the car. Don't let this prevent you from enjoying the car. These are much too fun to drive and a great bang for the buck. Mark

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
Save a paint chip, and every time you walk into work, hold it up against every grey/white car you see. When you find one that has your paint on the bumper, well....the rest is up to you.


Ya, and measure how high up from the ground the mark is and check for cars with that color paint with a mark the same height up from the ground.

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I remember a time I was sitting in my car in a parking lot waiting on my mother in the grocery store. A car pulled up next to me and the fat brad in the passenger seat flung her door open like she hated it. It hit my car so hard it actually rocked a little. I just stared at her -frozen in shock & disbelief. If looks could have killed I'd have been vaporized on the spot with the look she gave me. She started to just stomp off so I reciprocated in kind. Unfortunately for her, my car had a triangular shaped side molding that punctured the side of her car like a can opener. She stopped, looked, and then just walked away. I waited until my mother got out of the store and drove off. End of incident.

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That sucks man.. I remember 2 years ago this time of year, I parked my 85' 200sx all by it's lonesome (a space on either side open) and went shopping. Came out 30 mins later, and theres a pickup on my drivers side, and a brand new minivan on the passenger side. The pickup was ok, but the mini van was about 8" from the side of my car. There was also a big dent :evil: in my passenger door (from the vans drivers door) that my friend pointed out. Now, it was not a great car, but it bothered me that this PR!K smacked my car none the less.. so I told my friend to get in the car and "make sure you hit that A$$.. I mean.. you know..) WHACK. BIG dent in mini van.... my friend gets in the car. As I reverse out of the spot, I ask my friend "did you drop something when you got in?" he looks at me :twisted: "uh.. yah I did.." he said.. WHACK oops... another dent in the mini van... I think we got him about 5 times before I backed out of the spot. Gota catch these ppl before they leave the lot.. :wink:

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Man o man...I have lots of stories about careless people hitting my cars. Sometimes I think they are drawn to me or something. My first car, a 1974 Maverick, was a victim all its life. Shortly after I bought it, I saved up to have it painted and the inside re-done. It seemed like every idiot at school and everywhere else wanted to ding it, scratch it, or in someway harm it. Didn't take long for my new paint to look chipped, scratched and beat up. :( My younger sisters even joined in by running their bike handles up and down the lenght of the car...with the handle bars sticking through the rubber gribs. :(:( Parents did nothing to them of course. :cry:


It is now "resting" in the backyard awaitng yet another engine transplant. I have more cars on jackstands right now than I do have running. Ha ha.




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Well, Fortunately a little mothers machine glaze and some cleaner polish and the scratches are almost un-noticable... I'll let it go... Just HOPE I can catch this before it happens again... On another bright note, I had the windows on it tinted last night and it looks gorious... AND I put the GMS twin ram air kit on it with my oldest step son... Thing moves some serious air now! Next will be putting the borla exhaust on and after that...HMMM, maybe wait for the motor to be done so I can put the headers on the new motor...


This car ROCKS!


Mike :D

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Hey Mike, Are there Security cameras in the lot ??? Pretty common in your neck of the woods (especially in your field of employment). Pretty common around here. Stand in the spot and take a good look around and don't be suprised if you see a camera, go to the Security folks and ask to view the tape. That sucks about the 'Vette, glad it's not too bad.


- Joe

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why don't people have any consideration for their fellow man's stuff? :evil: this is why i always try to park next to cars that are nicer than mine. i mean, it's not a guarantee but at least it raises the level of care the guy next to you might exercise.

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Mike I can see it now, guy gets called in to his supervisors office where you, his supervisor and two security people are sitting in wait. After he cleans his shorts, you calmly ask him to explain this ... play tape.... I can hear the stuttering now "ah...ah....well... umm....ah ......" Might be worth it just to see him squirm ( be sure to tape it so we can enjoy it too :twisted: ) Just for fun have the security folks in dark suits and have one say "he's arrived" in to the cuff of his jacket, that should really freak the moron out.


Might as well get some fun out of it :twisted:


- Joe

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