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Georgia considers banning evolution from schools


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ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- The state's school superintendent has proposed striking the word evolution from Georgia's science curriculum and replacing it with the phrase "biological changes over time."


The change is included in more than 800 pages of draft revisions to Georgia's curriculum that have been posted by the Department of Education on its Web site. The middle and high school standards are expected to be voted on by the state Board of Education in May, after public feedback.


Superintendent Kathy Cox said the concept of evolution would still be taught under the proposal, but the word would not be used. The proposal would not require schools to buy new textbooks omitting the word evolution and would not prevent teachers from using it.


Cox repeatedly referred to evolution as a "buzzword" Thursday and said the ban was proposed, in part, to alleviate pressure on teachers in socially conservative areas where parents object to its teaching.


"If teachers across this state, parents across this state say, 'This is not what we want,' then we'll change it," said Cox, a Republican elected in 2002.


Educators and legislators criticized the proposal, saying science teachers understand the theories behind evolution and how to teach them.


"Here we are, saying we have to improve standards and improve education, and we're just throwing a bone to the conservatives with total disregard to what scientists say," said state Rep. Bob Holmes, a Democrat.


Social conservatives who prefer religious creation to be taught instead of evolution criticized the proposal as well.


"If you're teaching the concept without the word, what's the point?" said Rep. Bobby Franklin, a Republican. "It's stupid. It's like teaching gravity without using the word"

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Guest Phil1934

Brad, we're not just the lowest 20%. We came in 50th 0f state rankings in education. Jeff Foxworthy lives here, so maybe his act is observational humor. Even Jimmy Carter made a public plea that this will make GA the national laughingstock. Oh well, we survived Lester Maddox as governor, we'll survive this.

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Isnt banning a word metaphorically the same as book burning? Has Hitler and the Nazi regime returned? :shock:


I dont believe in evolution yet I think anytime anyone tells me what I can or can not say is an encroachment into "the natural born right to free speech". I would never tell someone who did believe in evolution that they can not form their own opinion using their own vernacular.


I remember when my last employer, a large insurance company, made an edict that we could no longer use the word Perp or Perpatrator because it had negative implications...WHAT :roll: Even tho just about every police report that came in on any claim you were investigating used the word Perp. Okay, I admit it-we certainly wouldnt want to offend the Perp for being a Perpatrator, now would we(?). Circular thinking never solves anything-it only confuses the issue.


This political correctness crap is for the birds. The only education on any subject-is the full disclosure of any/all/both sides using the vernacular that best fits the subject. Next we will have to sign some sort of document where we agree with the Emperor (Do we still have those?) that we do not believe in this/that: and if we dont sign the document does this mean they will put me in the torture chamber or on a stretcher untill I agree to consent w/the MASTER?


We shouldnt have to tip-toe around an issue simply because someone might perceive a subject as offensive. If we can ever get passed the "I'm Offended" mentaility, then we might actually be able to have intellectual conversations....as in open and uncoerced conversations with those that disagree.


NEWS FLASH...NEWS FLASH...NEWS FLASH: "It's okay for someone to disagree." Equity in the law is mandatory. If you wont allow someone to disagree w/you then you, on the other hand, have no right to disagree w/them!...END OF NEWS FLASH...END OF NEWS FLASH..,


One little encroachment of a natural born right always leads to bigger encroachments to other natural born rights. Pretty soon we will all be required to report to a reprogramming school to take a class on what is "acceptable -vs- unacceptable vernacular"...hello Orwell's 1984.


I'm not upset-just bewildered that it appears the world is turning into a mass of snivling spineless cowards who wear their feelings on their sleeves.


God help us all: oops I used the word "God" on a thread about evolution...am I aloud to do that...I wonder what my Junior Birdsman Handbook says about Political Correctness Diplomacy: oops-gotta put my beanie w/propeller on anytime I'm reading my handbook...wouldnt want to offend my Senior officers ya know.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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yah i know that, actually im against having it in school if they leave it the way it is, go back to the way it was meant to be and have it all day. I dont understand why people have such a problem with seperation of church and state, go to a private religious school if you want religious teaching, go to public school for secular teaching.. the end.

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Phil - I will admit that I knew we were very low but didn't remember we were last...I was thinking 48th or 49th, after all we DO have Arkansas as a state... :roll: (Thats the sate that produced Bill - right)


I will take a bit of exception to your take on Lester Maddox though.


Having known the man personally, he did have strong views, but as governor brought more changes and influenced more policies in the civil rights arena than a lot of people give him credit for. He was very big on individual rights and race was no part of that, and made sure that the state government saw the distinction. He treated fairly/caused to be treated fairly and hired more minorities during his administration in GA than previous administrations.


Lester was a shrewd man - and being a politician, he did what he needed to do to get into office and brought his own sense of individual rights (applied fairly) to make some serious changes.


All anybody wants to remember is the axe-handle though....NOT the way I choose to remember this gentleman.

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Guest Phil1934

True, he still gave a few dollars to my church as recently as 2 years ago if we had a repair need. But I spent the late '70's and all the '80's travelling the country and i caught a lot of flak about his term. The national press he got was bad, not on a par with the political bashing of today, but bad.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I think everyone is really missing what is happening here. The issue is that they want to get rid of the use of the word "evolution" so they can continue to teach about it. It has nothing to do with religion, political correctness, or anything like that. It is not banning the concept or topic at all, in fact, it is the opposite.


Personally, I am all for the idea. I think it is great that someone has the sense to realize that students should still be tought about (evolution) even though all the damn parents want to complain about their children being brainwashed and yadda yadda yadda. The real brainwashing is when parents want to force schools to not teach about ideas such as (evolution) and prevent their children from learning and being able to make their own decisions.


I say kudos to Kathy Cox for having the idea. :2thumbs:


And before anyone asks, NO, I am not an athiest or a scientologist! :lol:

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.., The issue is that they want to get rid of the use of the word "evolution" so they can continue to teach about it. It has nothing to do with religion, political correctness, or anything like that.., :


Nic, I would say that is exactly my point: and it is political correctness. What good is it to remove a "label" and still talk about the process that the label references? Its foolishness. I would rather have the word remain and the subject be taught openly and honestly from both sides...this is about free will. If you posture how the subject is taught and dont fully disclose both sides then you have removed the right of free will from those that are being taught.


People are getting hung up on a word...a WORD! It is an inanimate object..it is a fiction and has no flesh or blood: it has no power over you other than that which your mind gives it. If you ban this label then why not ban any and all other labels that dont fit your paradigm, or my paradigm: where does it end? It wont end because rarely will two people ever agree. Even people who do agree on a subject dont agree 100%: so should we ban all people who dont agree w/us? Hello mob-rule :twisted: (democracy)...goodbye Republic :cry:


People are label oriented. We have been brainwashed so much so that if/when you or I start talking about an issue we have to fill it w/so many qualifiers otherwise we might get labeled...people might say, "Oh, you're one of THOSE!"


Look at how you and I put in our qualifiers, "I'm not an athiest, or I dont believe in Evolution" ect., ect. We are so afraid of labels now days that the real substance of an issue gets trampled on and as a result both sides are never taught-simply becuase we give the label more credence than the issue or those that wish to manipulate how the issues are taught label someone so that they are so afraid of being labeled they will never research said issue.


When you auth govt to begin "banning" of any kind-then you have just allowed the camel's nose to enter the tent's door and have opened up pandora's box. Enjoy the slippery slope because once you are on it, it will not stop until we have all been compromised.


Judge a tree by the fruit it bears...not the label someone else has attatched to it.


...Oh, and by the way-Dont label me-I'm not an athiest :lol:



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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