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Tried to catch a 911 turbo


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Key word is tried :lol: . On my way back from lunch today I see a new 911 turbo cutting in and out of traffic driving the car hard. I finally get in back of him at a light. I had my boost down to 8psi because of the rain so I didn't really want to race him. I just wanted to see if I could keep up. Light turns green and he takes of normal then guns it. I'm in back of him trying to play catch up but it wasn't going to happen. I gave up by third gear cause there was no way I was going to catch this guy. That car was crazy fast. Must be nice having AWD and 420 ft-lbs of torque at 2700 rpm :evil:

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cant catch or beat them all.

i had a run in with one in my dads Z06..

he was driving fast like you said and i caught the red light with him.. was a swett 911 turbo. red, HRE wheels, etc.

light turned green.. none of us punched it.. then he nails it going around 15 to 20mph.. i hit it at the same time and around 100mph or so i let off and was a half a car ahead...

felt great :D



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Guest bastaad525

ROFL I hope it WOULD cost less than ten times what he payed for his porche... or else an RB swap is now costing over a million dollars??? heheh sorry I couldn't resist

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Guest Anonymous

Those cars are incredable. I have driven one with a power up grade to around 500 hp.. You could drive it to get groceries (but not many) and still out run anything on the road. 500 hp, nice quite ride, AC, cd, and a cup holder. What fun.

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I have a friend who had a 930 ruf turbo. Only time I ever saw 300 k on an interstate. At that speed when he let up on the throttle we were still accelerating. :shock: He had it shipped to LA in a container, and never did get it smogged. The last I heard, the car was just sitting in his collection. He also has a 962, and a Chevron. It must be nice to be wealthy.

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Hey BayAreaZT:

Welcome to the 911 Losers club. When I had a 340†in the Z I thought I was unbeatable by anything stock. I had lost to 911 cars in the corners but always managed to over take them on the straights. One day my son and I chanced upon a red light and a 911. I looked at my son (15 then) and said “Wonna see me smoke a Porsche?†His car had at least 600lbs of flesh between the two guys. They must have built the car around them. The driver gave me a look of distain. It was going to feel good leaving tire dust on his hood. I smoked the tires through the intersection on the green. This guy sifted into second early and let it go. We might as well been sitting at a bus stop. The 911 was just gone.


I had been humiliated in front of my son!

We still laugh about it.

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I had no intention of trying to beat this guy. I was just trying to gage myself against a car I always dreamed of owning. From the looks of it I probably would have to run 15psi just to keep up and add a shot of N2O to beat him :lol: . Guess I should have picked on the M3 behind me :D

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I got to have a little run with one last year. I posted this story a while ago when it happened, but hey, it's been a while so...anyway, Beautiful car, Alpine white, big red calipers and a temporary tag (Brand spankin' new) after admiring the car for a short time, I pulled next to him, and gave him a thumbs up. The guy, (probably in late 50's, early 60's) I guess, thought he would show me what his car would do, so from a 55-60 mph roll downshifted and stepped into it. Just as he did, I downshifted and did the same. Went to ~ 110 or so, was 1/2 a car length ahead and let off. The turbo Porsche driver let off as well, but looked at me rather oddly as he pulled up next to me. I gave a short wave and hit my exit off the freeway. I was cheating though as I had a tank full of race gas and was running about 24psi. Still, one of my favorite sories :lol:

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