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And the MORON OF THE YEAR award goes too?

Guest ZmeFly

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Had a tow job I had to do today when I got to work. Had to pick up this 89 Pontiac Grand Am. Owner said it wouldnt start and to tow it in and figure out what was wrong.


Well go to get the car, had to drift it back a bit and found no brakes. Hmm I though well Ill find out whats going on when I get it to the shop. Get back and was told that I needed to check brakes too.


Well ok, start finding out why it wont start it was the starter it was fried. No biggie easy job. Then I start to check the brakes to see whats wrong.

Look in the master and find no fluid. Ok fill it up. I figure Ill pump the brakes a little to see where the fluid disappears.


Pump em up a bit and see fluid at both front wheels. hmm Jack the car up and remove the wheel to find THIS!!!!!!!!


Now tell me how stupid one must be to let this happen to theyre car.




How do you not notice your about to destroy the brake system of your car like that.



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I know I should have taken pics at the time but we were all laughing so hard....


A guy brought in his dodge omni into the shop because his brakes were not stopping the car...


HE Drove it to the SHOP!


PUt the car on the hoist and removed the wheels...AAAAAHHHHHHH


it had solid rotors...with 70% of each rotor GONE.. not there.... One caliper was ripped off its mounts, the other had a piece of broken rotor jammed in between the pads... ( the other caliper had no pads..or piston etc...)


The back brakes were drums.. one drum had obliterated itself and the shoes, springs etc.. were missing... the rear drivers side rear was the only one that had any resemblance of a chance of slowing this car down.


Guy was lucky to be alive getting to the shop.....he had no idea and only wanted to spend a few hundred bucks tops to fix...he didn't think it was that bad....OMFG!!!


Sorry to add my story to this thread, but it is one i will never forget...


Your pic has the same idea...death waiting to happen....


how do people not notice this on their car?.....I think a rotor obliterating itself would make some noise?



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i had a car like that once, calipers were fubar'd, rotors where broken Just like that , the rear shoes had turned to dust just laying in the drum, all this on an explorer,(like they dont have enough trouble), and get this, we gave him the estimate, and he wanted us to put it back together so he could take it someplace else for another estimate, even though i SHOWED him that, needless to say we called the cops and he explained to the customer it was unfit to be driven and needed to be towed, so he let us do the work.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I think it comes from the large group of people who have absolutely no idea how anything in their car works. They just know that it works, dont know why or how it works, and then, unfortunately, don't know how to tell before it doesnt work.

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I work part time at a napa here in Marietta, here my favorite conversation.


Me: how can i help you?

customer: i need a part for my car

M: what do you need?

C: im not sure?

M: what year, make and model?

C: um, 89 i think.. chrysler.. no chevy.. yah.. chevy aerostar..

M: ford makes the aerostar, do you mean astro van?

C: yah thats it.

M: so what part is it, do you know the name or what it does?

C:Um, no but my car goes (insert wierd spasm motion here)

M: ok, where on the engine is the part

C: the top

M: ok, how do you know its the part causing the vibration..

C: cuz my brother is a mechanic and he said so...

M: lets look at the car ok


then I walk outside to find out one of his tires is flat.

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I liked the Napa story that was good.


I guess this guy was trying to invent slotted rotors for the grand am maybe?


Ive seen this before, well not like the brakes are but the guy comes in for an oil change. I didnt bring the car in, anyway I finish up with his car and go to back out and here the tell tale sound of the metal backing of what used to have pad on the surface, hitting the rotor.


I said hey guy you know your brakes and rotors are toast on the front. He just looks at me like duh you dumbass of course I know. Then drives off!

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One of the reasons I left my home country, was that the law, they, would stick their nose in anything you did. Hence annual or biannual inspections of all vehicles. No engine or structural modifications allowed. This, though, almost makes me want that system back.

If you knew of a similarly equipped car on the road, could you shoot it with a gun and claim selfdefense!!!!


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The worst brake job I ever got was a scirocco and teh only reason it had any pedal feel was the fact that the front rotor was gone and the inner pad and outer pad were touching in the middle on the fronts. In the rear one wheel cyl was rusted solid so it couldn't leak and the other one was decent shape but no shoes. The guy drove it over with the parking brake to stop it. I pull the plates off, handed them to him, and pulled the ser# and called it in. I won't even get into the PVC gaslines....... :evil:

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