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Drove a '94 Supra TT last night... hoooooo hum!!!

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

Well I got to 'borrow' this car from work, was impounded at my job (I work at a tow truck place) and was going to be turned over to the police, so me and one of the other guys decided to take the opportunity :twisted:


Well unfortunately the damn car was an AUTOMATIC :puke: and was not or at least did not SEEM nearly as fast as I expected!! I'm thinking "wow this thing has like 300+ hp and 300 lbs of torque... smoke them tires!!!" but you know... I couldn't even get the darn thing to chirp them, let alone actually spin them!! I found the traction control button and turned it off and still no dice... whether rolling or from a dead stop, I could not get the tires to make a peep... *YAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWNNNN!* I forgot to try launching by holding the break down and giving it some throttle to load the motor and build up boost before taking off though... DOH! Anyways I dunno if it's in my head, or if the car is just so smooth, or what, but it really did not feel fast, I mean, faster than an average car, sure, but it did not feel faster than my 240zt. Once boost hit the speedo would climb pretty quick, but the sensation of speed just was not there at all, whereas my 240 really knocks you back in the seat the first 3 gears. I wish I had my stopwatch on me.... anyways I almost think that maybe something was wrong with the car but it was VERY clean and looked like it had been very well taken care of, so I figure the (no longer) owner had kept up on tune ups and such. And it was bone stock so I doubt he had damaged the motor at all.


Anyways, it was a cool car either way... wish it had been a stick ... but very glad to have had the opportunity to take a spin in one of my favorite cars :)

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I was driving a 6 spd manual 94 TT for 4 months. The car was incredibly fast, once you hit 4000 rpm and the second turbo was up to full speed the car would launch violently into the horizon with only the fear of loosing one's license to get you to slow down. It just had amazing top end performance and certainly no trouble spinning the tire. Off course despite it's massive weight (IMO the only negative on the beast), it tracked like it was on rails and could fly thru the twisties. It would take a whole lot of modded turbo Z to keep with a mostly stock TT supra. And if the supra is modded, then you would need a skyline, Viper or 911 turbo to keep up with one with a competent driver in it.

Interestingly, After 2 months I was driving the turbo Z more often. Less speed, but raw and more fun (it's fun to slide the rear on the Z, not so on the big supra). Off course I'm biased toward Zs, but I 'm also a supra fan and used to own a modded 1990 turbo supra for years.

Now if I could add a TT supra or skyline R34 to my driveway again and decide each day whether to drive the old raw sports car or the new techno beast/speed machine I could skip my morning coffee 8)

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Guest bastaad525

Well unfortunately I only got to 'play' with it for a few minutes. I really wish I'd had my stopwatch with me as I'm betting it was moving faster than it felt. When I got on it it would rev all the way to redline, before shifting, and I could feel the second turbo coming on. I still wonder if maybe the car wasn't sick in some way?? Or maybe there was something else I had to switch on/off or adjust that was keeping the tires from spinning? I dunno... I did really like the way the Supra 'felt'... very solid and planted. It definately made me realize and appreciate the difference between a modern sports car and my 30 year old Z's chassis, even with my mild suspension upgrades... it's just no comparison. Unfortunately I didn't really get a chance to take the Supra thru any turns... just down the block and back. Anyways, for what it's worth, I did go performance stat hunting today and found that for that year (actually I believe it was a '93, not a '94, not that that makes a difference) bone stock Supra TT with an auto, the average claimed times were a mid 5 second 0-60 and a low 14 1/4 mile... a bit slower than the six speeds times. By comparison, I know just from knowing my cars hp and exact weight, and also from comparing to others who have run with very similiar (some almost identical) setups, that my car should be good for at the very LEAST a high 13 in the 1/4. So my car really should be just a tad faster than that car was, and it probably feels even moreso because of how solid the Supra is. I dunno I was just really expecting to be thrown back in my seat in the Supra... and to be like 'whoa' I mean my car scares the hell out of me sometimes when I get on it in a low gear... the force with which it throws me back... it's like my own private roller coaster ride :D Ah well... I'm glad to have had the opportunity at least, and wouldn't mind having one in my driveway either! But please, a six speed only!

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Guest bastaad525

No dude I wouldn't do that. The guys car was being turned over to the police. The owner was arrested, for what I dont know, but I was told he's going jail for a very long time, and for whatever reason I guess the car is going to end up at one of those police auctions. The police were going to be picking it up the next morning, so we figured why not. I dont really know the details but you know, if my boss says "hey you wanna take this car for a ride, the police are picking it up tommorow" that tells me that it's probably okay.


Now, if I were the type to take guys cars for joyrides, I would have taken my chance to take that impounded Vette Z06 that we had out for a spin. Man I WANTED to drive my car so badly, but frankly, with all the bad luck I've already had with my own car, I can't afford the bad karma.

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You don't own the car, your boss doesn't own the car, and the police don't own the car. Ownership of the vehicle doesn't change when a vehicle is impounded. It takes a court order as a result of a trial where a person is found guilty of a crime for the property to be forfieted. Remember, the guy that was arrested is innocent until proven guilty.


You, the towing service owner, and the lot owner have a responsibility to provide reasonably care for the property you all have been entrusted with. Regardless of whether its a "common practice" in your industry, you stole his car and took it for a joy ride.


Your boss is a clown for telling you to take it for a drive and you made a mistake by listening to him. What would have happened if you had an accident while driving the car?

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six speed makes a huge difference in that car, i HATE auto toyotas, they suck for performance, same as auto nissans. ever tried out an auto sr20 car, SUCK, manual sr cars are a ton of fun. the only way id drive an auto sports car would be with a v8 or if it were a GN (mostly cuz i have no choice)

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Guest bastaad525
You don't own the car' date=' your boss doesn't own the car, and the police don't own the car. Ownership of the vehicle doesn't change when a vehicle is impounded. It takes a court order as a result of a trial where a person is found guilty of a crime for the property to be forfieted. Remember, the guy that was arrested is innocent until proven guilty.


You, the towing service owner, and the lot owner have a responsibility to provide reasonably care for the property you all have been entrusted with. Regardless of whether its a "common practice" in your industry, you stole his car and took it for a joy ride.


Your boss is a clown for telling you to take it for a drive and you made a mistake by listening to him. What would have happened if you had an accident while driving the car?[/quote']


Well so what then?! You know, maybe it wasn't the best idea but I did it. Wouldn't be the first not-so-bright thing I've ever done and wont be the last I'm sure. What WOULD have happened if I got in an accident? Hell if I know! I'm sure our company is insured or something covering anything like that, or maybe my boss really IS an idiot for offering me to drive the car in the first place. Did I go out hot rodding all over the place taking all kinds of risks? Hell no. I made two straight passes down an approximately 1/2 mile long strip of a small side street in an industrial area, abandoned at 3am, did not cross any intersections, and didnt even get that fast, think I topped at like 65mph. And don't take my word for the details on who was or was not the owner of the car, I really dont know as I have nothing to do with that part of of the business, impounds and stuff, I know very little about how all that works, so I may be wrong. All I know was what he said to me, which was that the car was being picked up by the cops the next day, and if I wanted to take a ride. And what little else he did say, I forget the exact words, but I got the impression that the guy was already in jail for a long time, convicted or whatever, and that he didn't own the car anymore. I dont even know how long we'd had that car impounded, I only see the cars that are on one side of our main lot out of two lots that we store cars at, and cars get moved between the two lots and the two sides of the lot I work at all the time... that car could have been impounded for six months or even longer for all I know, and just got moved over to 'my' side (where the office I work in is) that day to prep it for pick up (charge the battery and sometimes wash the car). I didn't sit there asking questions, and sorry but I sure as hell wasn't going to say no, and I bet most guys here would not have either. Anyways, given the number of cars that have come in that I've drooled over and would loved to have taken for a ride, and I"m sure my boss has noticed this, for him to offer this particular one to me there must have been some circumstance where he felt it wasn't a problem or a risk. We MAY have even owned the car by that point, as many of the cars that we impound never get picked up for various reasons, at which point my boss auctions them off himself, to dealerships or private parties. I've already bought three cars from him during the 10 years that I've known him. Again, not knowing really how long the car may have been in our custody, I really can't say what the circumstances were, but I am VERY confident that I was not 'stealing the car', as it's just not something I think my boss would have allowed, letting me do something so blatantly illegal. I'm sure he hasn't been in business for the last 20 years by taking big stupid risks like that, especially not just to make the day of an employee like me.

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Just trying to get you to think. I worked for a towing company way back in the early 1980s and one of our guys did just what you did with a silver anniversary Corvette that the police impounded. He crashed into a house on Fullerton Road, injuring himself and his girlfriend who was riding shotgun. After he got out of the hospital he served 5 years at Chino Men's Prison for GTA and the owner of the towing yard had his license pulled by the state.


I was standing there when the owner told the guy to, "Take it for a spin and see how you like it." Unfortunately I had to testify in court and watch a friend go to prison.

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Guest bastaad525

yeah I get what you're saying, not really getting offended or anything. I just didn't feel like what I did was wrong. I mean, there have been a lot of cars come thru there that I would have LOVED to drive. And I could easily have done so, but I never do, for the reasons that you have stated. But when my boss, the owner of the company, whom I know is not the kind of guy to take unnecessary risks by nature, hands me the keys and says "go ahead and take it down the block"... I dunno I just dont feel like I did anything wrong or that he would have let me do it if it had been wrong or illegal. And again, even in this case, I really didn't do anything crazy or risky in the car anyways.


I may just ask him to give me more details on what the situation with that car was, but at the same time, I dont want to shoot myself in the foot by 'bugging' him about it. But this isn't the only time I've test driven cars there. The other times have been cars that had 'cleared', in other words their time limit for the owner to pick them up had expired, and they were to be auctioned off. As an employee I get first dibbs on cars like that if I'm interested, and am allowed to drive them down the block or whatever to see if they run okay before I buy them. But I've never been offered to just test drive any impounded car that I've ogled at... I am only able to assume the Supra must have also been 'clear', though why the police would have been picking it up, I do not know. Maybe I misunderstood? I dunno... anyways, point taken.


And for all that, it really wasn't worth the ride anyways :-P

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once you hit 4000 rpm and the second turbo was up to full speed the car would launch violently into the horizon


Somehow I dont think you've ever driven anything fast, my car was lighter and made around 470 HP at the crank. It pulled quite nicely on the freeway, launching into the horizon? I wonder what kind of drugs one would have to be on to make such a claim, I think its the drug called "driving 17 second cars my whole life" :lol:

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Mudge wrote

Afshin wrote:

once you hit 4000 rpm and the second turbo was up to full speed the car would launch violently into the horizon



Somehow I dont think you've ever driven anything fast, my car was lighter and made around 470 HP at the crank. It pulled quite nicely on the freeway, launching into the horizon? I wonder what kind of drugs one would have to be on to make such a claim, I think its the drug called "driving 17 second cars my whole life


I'm oh so happy for you that your car made 470 hp, not that anyone was asking :roll: Would you like me to clap for you? A friend of mine had a 680RWP supra, does that make your car a dog? the supra I had was pumping 400 hp with minimal mods (exhaust, no cat..). Moreover, with the way that engine breaths, it outperforms many more powerful motors on the top end and possibly the 470 crank hp Z you have. 400hp 24 vavles that flow great witha modern fuel injection, broad power band, good aerodynamics and a six speed tranny does wonders accelerating a car in no time from 100mph to it's 155mph speed limiter. Lastly it's childish to make such a moronic assumption that I have been driving modified 17 sec turbo cars for the last 17 years. What's your point ? You certainly did not have any thing useful to share with us. Somehow you may have to rethink your thinking, if not the inappropriate and poor attempt at an insult.

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