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almost had to kill 3 people today

Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Had a scarry experience today...


My Dad and I were moving some heavy furniture in my truck today and were driving down the street (auburn blvd, for those of you in Sac). This street is a major street in sacramento, two lanes each direction plus a center-left turn lane, speed limit of 45, filled with cars all hours of the day.


Anyways, I am in the left lane and a car in the right lane squeezes in front of me, not much of a problem, I had time to react. Then, a couple 100 yards later (if even that), 3 pedestrians decide to walk right out into traffic as if the whole world is supposed to stop for them. The car in front of me is still too close for me to stop and not hit it, there are cars in the lane to my right. As I start braking and looking at the center-left turn lane as an out, I see that there is a car facing me head on in that lane. Just then, the three peds step into the center-left turn lane from in front of the car in my lane. By now cars in both lanes have swirved to not hit each other or the peds and I now am deciding who I am gonna hit. Do I side-swipe a car to my right and knock them out of the way, do I rear-end the car in front of me smashing him into whoever is in front of him, do I swirve into oncoming traffic, or do I hit the 3 peds who will likely be crushed between my truck with it's full load and the car in the center-left turn lane facing me head on.


In the micro-seconds of my decision, I decided that if I had to hit anyone, it was going to be the peds since it was their fault. I wasnt going to plow someone innocent if I didnt have to. Then, by some miracle, the traffic in front of me all scatters perfectly and the car in front of me is able to punch the gas and I am able to move back into my lane and not rear-end him. Whew! :shock:


Since I was almost at a complete stop when I got to the peds, I decided to give them a piece of my mind right there in the middle of the street :cuss::fmad: before proceeding down the street.


Not sure what was scarriest about it, the fact that I almost had to smash that truck into someone or something, or the fact that I actually decided on hitting the peds if I couldnt stop in time. :?


What would y'all have done?

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I like to drive casual ( you might say slower) on city streets, so I am always getting people cutting in front of me, including Peds in SUITS that think they are justified in crossing all 5 lanes to get to the coffee place or wherever. Usually looks like I just got the tail of the guys suit jacket. One day they won't be so lucky & they'll end up a hood ornament, & I suppose it's MY fault for not seeing them!(Like you can watch all 5 lanes all the time). Jaywalking is illegal just aboout everywhere I've ever been & it's just plain dangerious, even if "everybody's doing it."

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In Santa Monica, CA (left wing, liberal capital of the world!!), the pedestrians have the right of way the minute they step off the curb---regardless of other factors....U hit 'em, you might as well kiss your 'Ay Ess Ess' (since this is Nic's post :D:twisted: ) goodbye!!

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Guest goldraven

Wow, right of way all the time? that just doesn't make any sense. Here in Fort Collins, CO. the only place Peds have the right of way are at cross walks, and only if the cross sign is on. the ONLY time they have the right of way when the cross sign isnt on is if the cross walk has two white lines that go along the path...instead of just the regular spaced out lines. but only then, those special cross walks are only around schools. I always get afraid of people on bikes riding in the shoulder. Peds.....oi!!!



Oh, and to answer your question, I would have chosen to hit the peds as well. The people in the cars really did nothing wrong...and the people crossing the street are just stupid...i think they tend to forget that a car weighs around 3000 pounds...not to mention those big trucks.

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Personally, I believe in Darwinian evolution - the stupid ones should be culled out of the herd so as to improve the species as a whole....


That said, I had a similar experience in my Z last year, before the tranny died, involving a kid on a bike. He was with two of his friends on foot, and was kind of "orbiting" around them. As I got to them, he shot *entirely* into my lane, maybe 20 feet in front of me - and I was going about 40. I managed to dodge into the left lane, but I swear the first thought in my mind wasn't "OHMYGOD I'm gonna hit a kid!", it was "OHMYGOD I just finished painting this thing!"

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Depending on the area, the day & time, I will look SEVERAL times to make sure that the one last kid on his bike isn't going to try to shoot across before the "light changes" while turning a corner, or crossing a popular intersection. I've seen it happen many times, especially about the time kids are supposed to be going home for bed. Once even when I was crossing an intersection in the evening. I should have followed the kid home to tell off his parents. At least lay on the horn. I was more concerened about looking for stragglers.

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Congratulations. Its really scary to think you are going to be an unwilling "Agent of Darwin", and I'm glad you managed to avoid hitting the idiots. ( all that paperwork is a PITA :D )On the subject of bicycles, it isn't just kids. did you ever notice that here there are bike lanes the riders always seem to ride as close to the line as they can? I always worry about one of them getting sucked under my trailer. (50lb Bike vs 80,000lb Semi... winner, Semi)


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It's not just getting sucked under (which is impossible, BTW) there is a real danger of getting 'blown off' the by the pressure wave in front of a vehicle. I can tell you from my days of bicycle racing, when I spent hundreds of miles on the rural roads of sounthern Ohio. There you have the big tri-axles filled with coal going 50or 60 when they pass you (going 20) and you just feel like you;'re going to fall off to the side. The other danger is like in FL, where they have bike lanes on some major roads. People are occasionally getting KILLED because car drivers stray into the bike lane, or use ot for passing, or what else? At least around my area, there is a definite square curb between the bike lane and the street.

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Personally, I believe in Darwinian evolution - the stupid ones should be culled out of the herd so as to improve the species as a whole....




The DECIDED to do something that was not in their best interest. If they don't weigh the consiquences, then.... they pay.

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Guest Thurem

In the eyes of the law, YOU could have been at fault for not making a safe following distance when cut off. If you had swerved into the other lane to hit the peds instead of the vehicle in front of you, you could have faced manslaughter charges.

I would have chosen to rearend the vehicle, as those people would have had a far greater chance of survival, than the peds. If an accident would have occurred and the peds did not get hit, they would most likely just have walked off, and you would have had to try and prove that the reason for the accident was that the guy in front of you cut you off. This would be hard to prove with only evidence being that you rearended him.

Ideally you would have actively made a safe following distance, and you would never have been faced with the choice of who to hit, you would just have hit the brakes instead.

I guess riding a motorcycle and going to driving school twice,have really affected on my opinion.


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Guest dpiatkin

It doesnt look like you need a saftey lesson in driving as others may seem to imply........ when this crap happens so quickly that as soon as you are able to react to the first situation the second is allready happening !! it is a miracle no one was hurt or vehicles damaged.......But......

In california the pedestrian always, ALWAYS has the right of way !!! even if they are complete F#cking idiots and deserve to be hit( by the way Im with you on running the idiots over rather than hurt people not involved) Unfortunately, they are always in the right !!!! unless you have a whole lot of reliable witnesses(not in your car) your goose is cooked..!! with the exception of the freeway, and then it is assumed the Ped is at fault.... cause they are not allowed there on a normal basis, only emergency Peds on the freeways......

Very happy no one got hurt or sued, great reactions !! and alot of luck.

good driving and watch for Morons..!!!!


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I think that would be a good time for each of us to find out what the precedent would be in the area where you live.


Does the Ped have the right of way, even when NOT crossing at the crosswalk?


Another idea: How about a "Dummies Book of Practical motor Vehicle Law" ? It will tell you in plain language, the motor vehicle laws, so you can be a better driver. Maybe even some safe driving tips?



What other surprises are there for us??


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IIRC, pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way, even if they're jaywalking.


Regardless, joking about killing someone because they did something stupid is the sort of thing you do when you either haven't thought through the ramifications of your actions, or you're a sociopath. Things can be replaced, people (even stupid ones) can't. And you can be sure that surviving relatives would be quick to sue your pants off. Nic, you did the right thing and you can take pride in the fact that your quick actions saved some people's lives. Those folks were damned lucky.


Personally, I would have moved over into the traffic to my right. They have steering wheels and brake pedals, they can probably avoid me. But I think you did the best thing in giving the pedestrians a piece of your mind! They deserve to reap the rewards of their stupidity. Out of curiosity, did you curse at them? :wink:



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
Out of curiosity' date=' did you curse at them? :wink:



You bet I did! I just hope there werent any little kids around to hear me.


Personally, I would have moved over into the traffic to my right. They have steering wheels and brake pedals, they can probably avoid me.


I forgot to mention that moving to the right would have likely shoved anyone there into one of the telephone poles right next to the street. Basically I saw it as anyone that I hit had a decent chance of getting dead.


As far as right of way, it is my understanding that the peds have the right of way, even when J-walking as long as it is a residential area. This was a business area. After thinking about it though, I realize that I probably would have swirved at the last second and hit the car in front of me anyways, then I would have grabbed at least one of the peds and made a citizens arrest if they tried to leave (fleeing the scene of an accident is a felony :-) )

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Guest goldraven
[b']Does the Ped have the right of way, even when NOT crossing at the crosswalk?[/b]


if a ped was just crossing the street anywhere...he does not have the right of way...that would be considered jaywalking, and thus is illegal. the only place they have the right of way is if he/she is walking across a crosswalk when the walk sign is showing. at least that is the law here in CO.

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In Santa Monica, CA, the pedestrians have the right of way the minute they step off the curb---regardless of other factors....

I think that CA has some comprehensive motor vehicle laws, so Tim's statement seems a little confusing, compared to a more common sense law, requiring to to be in a crosswalk to have the right-of-way.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Ya, didnt you know here in CA they can J-walk and sue you for hitting them, and then sue you for $5 million because you made them spill their coffee on them and then sue starbux for $20 million because the coffee was too hot? :lol::roll:


In CO I could probably have just mashed the gas pedal :twisted:


I'm gonna check with the CHP (since I will be over there for something else anyways) and see if they can get a copy of the vehicle code(s) that would apply. It would be kind of funny to see the legal wording on the topic.

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