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Please support our Hybridz site guyz !!!

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Their have been lots of members step up and send in some donations to help out with the expences, which is great so far, but it looks to me like their a very few compared to the number of members.


Come on guyz... where else can you go and get good info like here, without all the mostly guessing advice that is given on the other z sites.

Most of the responces to answers here are high quality answers, from guys that know their z car inside and out.


I don't think we have sponsers paying our way here like other sites, where you have to wade through pop ups, or other adds all over the pages. This is why they are asking for every ones help, that can, so that we continue to have this quality site to come to...


So how bout it?? its simple, just send in any amount (every penny helps) that you can, and belive me you'll feel good about it once you do.... icon_crazyjump.gif and thanks to the ones that already have... :2thumbs:

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I posted this in another forum but it applies here also. :)

Dan - When you get a chance, let us know how we are doing in reaching the budget number you figured. I don't think we need to know actual totals, but it would be nice to know if we have reached or fallen short on getting you the $ needed to keep this place going. I'll donate again whenever needed.



That is a great idea!

As of this morning we are 52% there.


It'd be cool if you made a small margin off this site each year.


I don't think that will ever happen unless we did some heavy advertising and/or sponsorship.

Like I said above, there never has been a interest in making money off this site and for the past 4 years I never really had problem paying the tab for the site because I enjoy working on it.

I am and have allways been a firm believer that information like this on the internet should be free, I know it's a old out dated belief but I am old

And I am also anti-advertising. I think one of the best things about this site is the lack of distracting ads.

But due to recent changes in my life I have had to change my priorities.

It's funny to look back on it, 1 to 1 1/2 years ago I had money and no time. Now I have no money but more time (to spend working on the site).




P.S. You guys are the best group of people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting on a public forum.

You guys have really come thru as allways!

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Their is already a thread for those who are saying they sent their money in, I was ust trying to rally everyone to donate. I don't mean to take away from that post.... sorry Admin

No problem, not flaming you.

Thanks much for helping out and rallying the troops!

I just thought I would post this here in case it was missed.


Dan :2thumbs:

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