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Car won't start

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So I picked up this 260z, with a 280zxt engine, not to long ago, when I test drove it worked just fine started right up no problem, dragged it home it still started and drove.


So i put it on jack stands and replaced the clutch slave cylinder and put it down. And then no running... All i get is the cranking, with the occasional sputter. Like it fires once but no more.


- I checked all the wires around the transmission where i was

- Cranks fine, checked voltage, it is ok

- Fuel pressure is 42lbs

- I pulled the plugs and to check for spark, nice hot spark, and they smell like fuel

- No vacuum leaks that I can find all the lines seem new.

- Checked compression, 120 over all 6

- Some posts have alluded to the CHTS, so i tried to start with the sensor plugged in or out, no difference


I am just out of ideas; I have spark, fuel, and compression. SO WHAT IS THERE! I dose anyone have any ideas on where I should go on this?



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I have been having the same problem with my car. Do the plugs have any fuel on them (mine smelled like fuel too, but were dry)? I noticed that some other of my electrical stuff wouldnt work too (fan, lights ect) but I had spark and it seems that my fusible links are burned out. Checking them would be a good idea to see if has any power going to the ECU.


BTW welcome to the site :-D

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I was reading your thread and got a few ideas but still nothing that has worked....


The plugs seem wet... All i can do short of pulling the injector and watching it's flow pattern.


And as far as my electrical system it all works the fan the radio, light, blah blah blah it works except the running...huh... i am going to take my multi-meter tommorow after work and check that it is getting full power. But I am almost positive that i can hear the injectors clicking... but with out that injector light i am not 100% sure.


oh and thanks, I have actually been a random lurker for a few years now, but I finnaly pulled up my sleaves, found and picked up the car i have been dreaming about for 3 years.... So excited! Just wish it would start

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright... so I now can get the car "running" after a bit of cranking it will start to stumble, and if I play with the throttle. It will start to run but seems to be only running on 2 cylinders, and as so if I close the throttle it will stall.


I tested all the injectors they are all pulsing and each injector clicks...



So what I am down to is either it is horribly flooding, or the timing is off.. because I have compression, fuel, spark.... I don't know if anyone has any other ideas please let me know...

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I will second that thought. I got my z running a few months ago, and all was well. About two week later, it stsrted but ran pretty bad. Then the next day, it started but sputtered and died right away. I was going "WTF?!?" So I lok over evrything, and... :oops: forgot to tighten the dizzy down and it had turned itself WAY out of proper timing.

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Well i am going to get the engine to tdc of the compression stroke and see where the dizzy is. But the distributer was tight before i moved it around (and i did mark it so that i could return it to it's original position...

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