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Oh my god.....


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And I thought those white blotches on Buick Grand Nationals were bird crap...




ew... After a while, i kinda thought to myself, and im surprised this hasn't been posted before, I figured Alex would have put something like this up a long time ago...

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Guest Thurem

Just remember, those guys are out there, and they are looking at your car... We need a faq on this: "What to do if your car has been molested".


Damn car-molesters....

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I find myself constantly looking out windows of buildings i go into now.. just to make sure nobody is molesting my car.. last night i heard something in the garage, ran downstairs, normally id be thinking.. probably something just fell or a car or a racoon or something because i had left the door open, but not last night i went running down the steps with a beating stick literally thinking " if i catch him with his *$&% in my car im gonna kill him...."

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