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Ok, it's official ... no turning back now!!!!


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And after 8 hours (working off and on) this is what we got :D




Beautiful sight isn't it. And the best part...............


.......The motor was sold before it was even pulled.


Oh, and that reminds me.....I just got back delivering the motor to the area of Mikelley's ol' stompin ground. That HAS to be the worst place on the planet to drive (foreign countries excluded)!!! 5 hours up, and about 9 back. BLAH!!! And on top of that, I gotta tell my dad that I left his engine hoist at my father-in-laws (2 hour drive) because I had to get the trailer back sooner than I could get the engine hoist back. Oh, well....


Now I guess it's time for the real work to be started....Wish me luck guys. The "while I'm at it" bug has already bit me too.... :(

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Well, I'm hoping to only have it down for only about three weeks. I already have 99% of the stuff I need for the swap in the garage. I'm buying a pressure washer this week for the engine bay/undercarriage treatment. The only other stuff I'm doing in conjunction with the swap is switching out all the guages in the dash to Autometer ones. Other than that, there's no money right no for the "while I'm at it" syndrome. Ultimately I definately want it done (the swap, not the car) for the Z car show in Charlotte in Aug. Seems possible enough, but I'm also in the middle of buying a house too, soooo .......... swap AND moving in the same month...


Like I said before, wish me luck guys :D

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Hey Dale, there's more pics in my photo album on page 8 of the user galleries. If that's not enough, I got a couple more I'll upload to the album.


Quik240z, I've posted in the Chevy V8 forum in before. This just didn't seem "technical" enough for that side of the house, that's all. Don't wanna P/O the admin's :wink:

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