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If you get offended, don't watch this! Funny commercial.


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LOL ! neighbor's cat, whizzed through my other neighbor's sun roof, he left sune roof open a crack to let the heat out.


couple weeks earlier, same cat had whizzed on the cowl vent, neighbor turned on air conditioner.


he, his girlfriend and, his car pool buddys all had a certain aroma about them all day. car poolers refused to ride home with him.


he flushed the vent area with some nature's miracle odor eliminator, week later the cat whizzes through the sun roof.


if he had such a self defense system as in this video, he could eliminate the odor permanently, and apparently, get himself a cool tid bit to hang from his rear view mirror to boot ...

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Who thinks it was real?


You must be joking.


PETA would be all over them like a duck on a junebug if it were real. Advertising agencies aren't THAT stupid.


It's CGI. And before you ask, yes, the Ka commercial where the hood whacks a bird isn't real, either. And there is no trunk monkey.

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Thats a Euro commercial and it is real. Hasnt anyone seen the puma or adidas one where the guy kicks his dog across the street? Or there was that Microsoft one where the guys about to take the chicks bra off and gets a password prompt. They're a little more layed back over there, and Peta is a bunch of idiotic hippies. Lets dump paint on peoples fur coats ..... so the buy more fur coats.

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Thats a Euro commercial and it is real.


I have a great home based business for you...make extra money with just 1 hour a week.....just send cashier's cheque in the amount of $10,000.00 to receive your kit....... :twisted::D:D:D


What I mean to say is...no it's not real!

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