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Auction for Opel Wagon...BUT...something very interesting


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Guest bastaad525
I want an Opel GT to put an SR20-Turbo in to......







Do you know how LONG I've been wanting to do this??????


*sigh* goes to show no matter how original you may THINK your idea is, someone else is gonna have that same idea... too many people on this earth for it not to happen...


I also thought was the first to think of putting side pipes on a 240z.... Until I stumbled upon pics of like 10 other guys who'd already done it.


Fine Tim you do an SR20DET Opel... I'll just do a rotary one instead... or GNX V6 :evil: yeah so I may need to do some cutting :D

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Nice Z with the side pipes :!: Opel's are pretty cool, I have a freind who is doing a sbf 289 conversion into one. Just a mild daily driver with a little extra kick.



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  • 3 weeks later...
The Shelby Mustang, or the V8Z with side pipes? :-D


my thoughts exactlly. I was like, oh wow, nice gt5... then i was like, hey, a Z with kool side pipes.


oh yea, that's a 67 gt5... they seem to be getting a bit more rare than the 68. And those are the only 2 years i'd ever want to own.

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