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Spark plug wire on metal pipe = problem?

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

Just wondering here... I've always gone to some lengths to keep my plug wires from ever contacting anything other than the dizzy cap, coil, spark plugs themselves, and the little plastic brackets that the plugs pop into that keep them all lined up nicely.


After installing my intercooler, the wire from coil to cap passes right over a section of the stainless steel I/C piping... it rests right on it. I'm wondering if this would create any problems as far as the spark jumping to the I/C pipe or should I even bother worrying about it? The wires are NGK 7.5mm blue wires. I've got the wire pulled kinda tight by a little bracket on the fender wall to keep it off that pipe... probably prematurely wearing the wire... wondering if I should even bother.

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Just as long as that wire is in good condition, the spark will not arc from that wire. However if the wire does become cracked or if it gets carbon tracking on it, it could start to acr and cause a drivablity concern. So just remeber this when your car starts to act funny.



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Wrap a zip tie aroud your IC pipe. Wrap another zip tie around the first zip tie, and stick the plug wire through it. Tighten both, trim excess. Problem solved.

I like that idea.


Also you can you a little Dialectric grease on the wire to help prevent spark from jumping out of it.

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Guest bastaad525

I thought of one idea as well... took some of the extra silicone coupling hose I had leftover from the I/C install and cut a little one inch wide band of it and slipped it over the pipe where the coil wire passes over... that should be enough insulation, and it doesn't look bad.

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