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young girls + cell phones + cars = traffic jam


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Today took the cake.


Scene: 2 lane each way highway (rt 29 N in Columbia MD). The left lane was PLUGGED up with a honda at the lead - 30 cars in tow, going 50 (speed limit is 55 but most people go 70).


Like everyone else, I got in the right lane to go around the line of cars in the left (passing) lane. Of course, that took several miles, since the people that WANT to go slow are in the RIGHT lane.


I finally get up next to the car behind the lead left lane bandit car, and I see it's a young girl yacking away on her cell phone with a big smile on her face. UGGGHHH.


I got next to the lead honda - again, young girl yacking on the cell phone with a big smile on her face! How much you want to bet they were talking to each other!




Rush Hour + low speed limit + rabid trffic cops + bottom of hill = traffic jam:


The above happend AFTER we all passed the 3 HoCoPo (Howard County Police) cars that were on the left shoulder at the bottom of a long hill, shooting radar or lidar. At 4:50 PM no less. We had all come to almost a complete stop because someone at the lead (probably our left lane bandits from above - I couldn't see, but the distance was about right) had slammed on the brakes because they saw police cars. GO THE FREAKING SPEED LIMIT PEOPLE - YOU WON'T GET A TICKET. Instead, we're having to slam on our brakes and going 15-20 mph, until we pass the revenuers (which I thanked for creating the traffic jam at rush hour as I yelled out my window).


PLEASE if you ever come through Howard County, be aware that the speed limits are usually much lower than reasonable, and the traffic police are MANY and RABID and give out MANY, MANY speeding tickets.


Do you think for a second that the coppers would get in their tax wagons and catch up to the losers yacking on the cell phones? No. Speeding kills, we have to stop the speeders. Nevermind the half-wits yacking about some BS following each other down the road slow in the left lane. They're safe, no doubt!

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Pete, I believe your equation is incomplete as you left out a few variables.


Your equation should look more like this:


Young girls + cell phones + Curling Irons + Cosmetic Make-up + CD or Tape Cassette scramble = Traffic Jams


I cant believe we make it to work everyday w/o more accidents than we already have.



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As frustrating as it is, when we encounter those moments in traffic, they will continue happening. Why? Because people are involved!!! As if you all haven't noticed, a vast majority of people driving on public roads are just about half there! Basically not paying attention to their PRIVELAGE of driving. They seem to forget, you gotta wonder if they are thinking at all, they are operating a big piece of iron that can kill and mame. On top of that, it seems clear to me that these type people conduct their life in the same manner as their driving habits.......go figure!!! I've always concluded that the more intelligent and aware you are, the more challenges you will encounter in life! So as one of my close friends always says......."LET IT GO, JUST LET IT GO". Besides, who needs the added stress of some moron. Isn't it similar to getting into an argument with an idiot, when theyl drag you down to their level and then whip you with experience. OK, I'm done ranting...just my 2 cents worth. :D

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I agree John, I quess they're feeling guilty.....like getting cought with their hand in the cookie jar! Interesting subject anyway, going the speed limit. Have you experienced the situation where you are coming up on a slower car, you are in the fast lane and they are in the slow lane, and as soon as you approach the slower car it speeds up, as if to keep up or something. Then as you go by them they slow down again!!? Very strange people out there. Keeps it interesting at least.

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What 2126 was talking about I call a 'pack mentality', most people do it without even realizing it, that of course brings us back to the root of the problem of the fact that most drivers are completely un-aware of anything that has to do with driving.


I'm not going to say anymore or I will get myself all worked up...



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