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Hey, anyone notice all of the "concept" and "supercars" that all the manufacturers are flashing to the media lately? Maybe it's just me but I think all the designers are looking to all generations of Z for inspiration.


Take a look:


UMM Can you spell 350Z bite!!!







OK Maybe they looked at a Z also...




I bet that quarter window fits in my 280Z!!!




Here is a nice body kit for a 350Z.....




What a bunch of copycats!!!!


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I've always thought.....the closer each manufactures' cars (street cars)comes to achieveing the best possible areodynamics, the closer they will come to the same shape!!!! Go figure. You have to ask yourself, do I want to drive around in a car that looks like an egg??? Next thing you know, the only difference to a car's appearance will be badging (like Cup Cars). I remember when I was a younger guy and could identify just about any car on the road at a distance. Now days is another story........maybe not having 20/20 vision anymore has something to do with it!? :shock:

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I've always thought.....the closer each manufactures' cars (street cars)comes to achieveing the best possible areodynamics, the closer they will come to the same shape!!!!


I have witnesses!!! I came up with that statement about 15 years ago!!!


Too Funny :lol::lol:

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Personally, I think the AM V8 is the perfect Z. They got the lines right for the "new" Z. The designer must have jumped ship right before the 350Z was finalized.:wink: -Now, about the "affordable sports car" part...As soon as someone buys this spare kidney, I'm set!

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Yes I know that Nissan looked to the Toyota, 911, and the Jag for design cues for the 240Z. Maybe it's just me, I find it an easier pill to swallow when a designer copies something to create a lower cost alternative. We are looking at HIGH END vehicles here taking cues from our "budget" cars!

Look at those quarter windows. They scream 240Z.


Flattery, pure flattery. :wink:

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