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Microsoft Word XP question.


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Try this - go to the file menu on your browser, click save as, and if it gives you the option, choose "Web Page Complete" type in the file browser. That will save all the pictures. Then browse to and open up the html file you saved in Word.

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At least two other ways. For just a picture or two, on the "insert" pull down menu you can select Insert->Picture-> From File. You can then browse to the web site and select the picture to insert.


The second way is "Paste Special". Copy from the web page, then on the Edit menu select "Paste Special". This will open a dialog box that lets you insert it as an HTML file.

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THe pics show up when I do a print preview, but the document is formated with the the hyperlink statements and not the pics. When I need to read I need to do a print preview or web preview. I can live with this, but would prefer to have the pics show up when I open the document if possible.


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If I have to, I will do (in the browser) CTRL+A, CTRL+C, and then CTRL+V into Word. The spacing gets all screwed up tho...need to adjust the margins. I only do this when a link gives me a javascript popup that I can't Save As.


But why Word? As mentioned above, Save As is your best bet. Word docs are so bulky space-wise and Word just sux in general. For multiple pages, like the threads here, use copy the title (no ? marks, etc) Save As and then paste it into the "file name" section, add a number, etc. to the end of the file name to keep the pages in order. I do this with everything now as stuff disappears off the net without warning.


Another option I hate to use is printing to PDF via something free like Virtual PDF Printer.


Good luck!


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