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Well....I've been rearended again :(


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Once again, I was at a complete stop. Some girl wasn't paying attention in her Mazda 929 and decided to slam into me at at least 35 MPH. We were both okay. Her airbags deployed and hit her in the face...other than that, her car wasn't that badly damaged. My bumper is completely fucked. The frame of the bumper is dented in and pushed down. This pushed down my exhaust, etc. It also pushed in the frame on the driver's side to where I cannot shut my door all the way. Bumper is sitting in my passenger's seat/hatch. She has insurance, thankfully. Don't know if it's fixable...guess I'll find out tomorrow when I take it to the shop. Onto the pics, ignore the white shit all over the place...I don't know whats going on with that.








This sucks...majorly...again. If it's totalled...:( What do you guys think?

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Damn that sucks. Same thing happened to me the night after christmas. I was sitting at a red light and heard that beautiful noise that one hears just before whiplash. Well it wasn't my Z, but my friends car that I had paid him to borrow while I'm getting my Z running and now I'm carless. Had it been my Z though.......

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