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Custom Airbox for triples


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Hey guys,


Does anyone know where i can get a custom airbox/plenum style made up for my triple webers (in AUS) or anyone in the Hybrid community who makes these and would be willing to ship one?


Heres an example






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Have you checked out http://www.tweakit.net/shop/ (Australian Site)

they sell all kinds of stuff might. I know I have seen on this site a setup for twin carbs so they must be able to get the airboxes for a triple setup.


Found it on their site check here


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I made one years ago. Turnes out pretty good. Used a flat thin piece of aluminum and cut tabs and bent it in a bench vise using 2x4's as a break. Used the carbs as a template and hole saw to cut openings for them. Front bolted on the box thru the carbs where the air filters used to go. I mocked it up in card board first to get the dimensions right. Used JB weld to seal the seams from the inside. (an epoxy) Only took a few hours and it was cheap. Mark

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Not the best pic, but I was trying to get the air filter in front too. I just bent mine out of 6061 .040 aluminum. The backing plate is 1/8". I had a K&N backing plate which I used as a pattern. Just hole sawed the inlets and fine tuned with a die grinder. You could probably get away with just bending up more of a box shape than mine, but I needed the clearance below the bracing.



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Here is a drawing of what I was planning to build.




I am planning on running velocity stacks on the carbs, not shown. My carbs have a 9" or 229mm take off for the intake and carbs, so the 4" - 102mm tube stack will work.

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I've made an aluminum baseplate and sandwiched it between the carbs and airhorns and made a template for the box but there's a few details I haven't yet worked out. First - how to seal the box against the baseplate. Second - how to hold the box to the baseplate other than zip ties or bungee cords. Third - how to secure the hose to the box.


I'm thinking in the first issue to use some type of soft rubber lip seal if I could find something that would slip over the edge of the box. On the second issue I'm thinking of using a long bolt or threaded rod kind of like a stock airbox. The hose connection is the biggest unknown but I'm thinking if I could find the lip seal stuff I could make the hose cut-out a tight fit and line it with the seal for a 'press fit' with the hose. Others who have been there what's you suggestions?


By the way the TWM is actually $360 for the three carb one!




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I wish I had a digital camera, but I used these latches, 2nd pic down on left:



I then welded some tabs perpendicular (basically a T tab) on the top and bottom of the backing plate to hook the latches in on one side, and hold the box centered on the backing plate on the other. I bent the box up on a brake, and simply bent the edge over 90 degrees, so about 1/2" in parralel with the backing plate.

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