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Does anyone know how much a V8 conversion would be for my car?

Guest MCTomTom

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originally posted by tony78 280Z


As for ragging people to search all the time... People on this forum tend to sound like elitest snobs. He asked a simple question and has probably read your responses and been turned away by rudeness. After the first person responded reminding him to search everyone else could leave it at that and not respond at all. And searching the forum archieves would not have answered his particular question which was should he keep HIS motor after having it rebuilt as compared to doing a swap. Most info out there doesn't include prices. This question will probably not be answered in the archieves. And the archieves can't give him what he realy wanted which was a living persons OPINION. Lighten up guys.


Ok Tony, from now on whenever somebody posts "How much to V8 a Z, and will it outrun my cousin's girlfriend's neighbor's drug dealer's Honda with NAWS, fart pipe, six ft rear wing, type R sticker, and purple lights dragging underneath it?", you need to take time to type out a detailed, thoughtful reply to the particular details of the question. Your response in this post will be lost forever, since no one will search for revelant info from the past. Each new post will start a complete new thought process with no regard for the time and effort of members who have previously contributed. You are responsible for spoonfeeding the poster info, since they have no inclination to put out any effort themselves. I hope it doesn't get old.


If someone doesn't have the nuts to do some basic research, they're never going to make it thru a Z conversion anyway. And the answer to the question is:


"As much, or as little, as someone wants to spend"



elitist snob

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John, I just saw that our friend Tony has been a life long member since MAY 2004... He'll become calous and elitist like the rest of us uncaring souls, Just give him time! "I thank you very much!"


I kill me! I'm here all week folks, and don't forget to tip your waiter and bartender!


(THIS IS all in good fun...)


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Guest MCTomTom

Thanks, tony78 280Z that is what I needed to know, he is right all of you other guys do need to lighten up, sorry I'm a new member, I didn't know you get that question a lot. Next time I need to ask a question I won't ask you, I will email tony78, he is about the only person who has helped me out on this forum site. Forums are supposed to help people out, not to be whiny little assholes.

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Guest MCTomTom

hey jt1, I have researched alot about it, and i just didn't know where to look, tony78 280Z set me off on the right foot. and now i have a better idea of what to do, so maybe you should stop spending money on your Z, and get to some therapy classes, maybe you people who were gonna say negative crap shouldn't have answered my question!

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McTom, I am totally amazed that you are a new member. Your join date of Dec 04 did nothing to tip me off. You have found the greatest resource in the world to someone interested in V8 Zcars. Now that you're here, try following the rules. From the sticky at the top of the page, titled "HybridZ Rules and Guidelines", Item #2:


Please use the search function before you do anything else. The search button can be found at the top of the page. Use several keywords if you don't find what you need right off the bat. Remember: Just about every possible topic and problem has been posted and answered, in most cases several times. The Members on this board are very helpful and a great crowd of Z enthusiasts, but answering the same questions over and over again gets old.


Maybe I need therapy. You need to learn to read.



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Guest MCTomTom

Well most of your whiny attitudes gets old too, this doesn't need to keep going on, and yes, for your info I read the guidelines. You are the one who isn't following them, I asked for help, you whined like a little piggy. You can reply if you want and tell me about the rules, but i won't be on the v8 forum anymore. I decided to stay w/ the L28 for awhile, until I can afford the V8 swap.

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Hey John,


In stead of spending you money on therapy, why don't you spend it on a track day and come to the Z event In Febuary at VIR. Now that will be money well spent. I know the next question will be how much does it cost.

300 for the weekend and I'm not whining.

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Wow, this thread went to Hell in a handbag. I value both perspectives that are being presented, and I think everyone could be a little more considerate. Everyone piled on to tell this guy to use the search function instead of just one polite note.


The same questions don't need to be answered again and again, but we don't need to be a**holes about it. Maybe we could have given him some help of what words to enter into the search, or pasted in a link to a thread that had some useful information for him.

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Guest tony78_280z

Jeesh I'm almost sorry I said anything at all. I didn't intend for this to turn into a name calling flame fest. I don't even want to respond.

Ok Tony, from now on whenever somebody posts "How much to V8 a Z, and will it outrun my cousin's girlfriend's neighbor's drug dealer's Honda with NAWS, fart pipe, six ft rear wing, type R sticker, and purple lights dragging underneath it?", you need to take time to type out a detailed, thoughtful reply to the particular details of the question. Your response in this post will be lost forever, since no one will search for revelant info from the past. Each new post will start a complete new thought process with no regard for the time and effort of members who have previously contributed. You are responsible for spoonfeeding the poster info, since they have no inclination to put out any effort themselves. I hope it doesn't get old. [/Quote]

No I will tell him to use the search function. Unless someone else already has. Then I will think "Do I have something relevant to add?" And if so I will say it, much as I did on this post. If not I wont say anything.

Tony has been a life long member since MAY 2004
Like I said I can't work a search engine. I didn't find this webpage until after I had the motor in the car. But, I'm sure I will continue to be overly polite.


I too was a newbie once, who asked a similar stupid question and got the same "use the search" response. Personaly I thought my question was original and didn't know my question had been asked before so I saw no reason to search. Someone told me to search and I smacked my own forehead as I found alot of relevant information. I have since told people to search or to get the JTR manual and get all your questions answered. But I try not to repeat others and sound like a broken record.


I have recieved e-mails from people from this webpage with questions and I have wondered why they didn't just ask them on the forums.... Hmmm... I did respond to these e-mails.

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Ok Tony, from now on whenever somebody posts "How much to V8 a Z, and will it outrun my cousin's girlfriend's neighbor's drug dealer's Honda with NAWS, fart pipe, six ft rear wing, type R sticker, and purple lights dragging underneath it?", you need to take time to type out a detailed, thoughtful reply to the particular details of the question. Your response in this post will be lost forever, since no one will search for revelant info from the past. Each new post will start a complete new thought process with no regard for the time and effort of members who have previously contributed. You are responsible for spoonfeeding the poster info, since they have no inclination to put out any effort themselves. I hope it doesn't get old.


Then do it daily for 5 years and tell me you aren't tired of it. :P

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Jeesh I'm almost sorry I said anything at all. I didn't intend for this to turn into a name calling flame fest. I don't even want to respond.

Well, let's recap. Tony said HybridZ members sounds like elitist snobs. Then McTOMTOM said something about whiny assholes.


Hmm. Where is the name calling going on here?


No I will tell him to use the search function. Unless someone else already has. Then I will think "Do I have something relevant to add?" And if so I will say it' date=' much as I did on this post. If not I wont say anything.

Like I said I can't work a search engine. I didn't find this webpage until after I had the motor in the car. But, I'm sure I will continue to be overly polite.


I too was a newbie once, who asked a similar stupid question and got the same "use the search" response. Personaly I thought my question was original and didn't know my question had been asked before so I saw no reason to search. Someone told me to search and I smacked my own forehead as I found alot of relevant information. [/quote']

Exactly, at that moment, you learned something we all learn. Unless we are Einstein, none of our questions are unique, rare, or even only occasionally asked by someone else on this earth, or at least on the Internet.


McTomTom will learn this too, but he's at an experience disadvantage. I learned that lesson many years ago, and I have 25 years more on this earth than he does.


We WERE all 17 once. We didn't know how much there was to know, or even have an idea of how a seemingly specific question could be so common, and therefore how many times it's been asked before - and how many times it's been answered. We didn't know how to use a search engine well. But just like learning to turn a wrench, we dug our hands into the mess and taught ourselves how. Not being a great seacher isn't an excuse for not even giving it a shot.


Other than the annoyance of seeing a new thread with an old, common question, the real problem is that the other threads that asked this question in the past don't simply get added to, but the repetition begins, and worse, some of the old but good responses get pushed further back (date-wise) in the search results, because the newer thread comes up first.


I agree with Drax. If a common question gets asked at the beginning of a thread, the best service we can do for everyone involved is to ask the person to search and to lock the thread so that it is short and finished. Then the thread can be deleted later to keep the search results fresh with good full threads with answers at the top of the search list.

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Well' date=' let's recap. Tony said HybridZ members sounds like elitist snobs. Then McTOMTOM said something about whiny assholes.


Hmm. Where is the name calling going on here?






I agree with Pete and yes, I AM AN ELITIST SNOB... and sometimes a whiney a-hole!! Be happy we are not like some other forums who have absolutely no mercy on the naiive newmeat that ask questions they should not have---they can be absolutely brutal. We're nice here really... Whiney, but nice :D



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