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I've officially lost the wiring battle/Need Advice


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Ok, I tried with multiple mechanical friends to wire the car, have paid another guy who couldn't do it right and finally a shop to wire it and it still won't run right. The shop says theres too much to trouble shoot and its a waste of time, not to mention my money. So I know the only end all fix to my woes is a stand alone ems. I had planned on getting either a microtech or haltech, and was leaning toward microtech. I got $700 right now that I can spend to get the car running. Got a couple questions. I've been doing research now for the last month and it seems like all stand alone's SDS, Haltech, and Microtech will cost $1200-1500 once all the sensors and hand programmers etc.. are to be had. Should I search the net for a used system? Is that safe? Or should I just try and scrape up another $800 and know what I'm getting. I have a settlement pending from getting rearended so I'm calling my lawyer Monday and will talk about settling early and that should get me the balance hopefully. Anyone know of any group buys going on any other boards in the meanwhile for an ems?

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I thought about that but the lack of customer support would kill me. And its a lot harder to tune. The microtech comes with a base tune that will start the car right up, plus I can get customer support. But I'm not ruling out MS completely yet, its just a definite last choice if I can't find a good deal on the others quick enough. I suppose it will depend on what my lawyers tell me. If he says it will take too long then I'll probably go MS. I'm going to search the net for group buys and see what I can find.

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I would also mention Megasquirt, although I definitely appreciate the seemingly added complexity and tuning required to get it to work. On the other hand, at the price for the kit, it is by far cheaper, and as Tim said, many seem to be using it with the L6's.

I have an assembled MS with stimulator and relay breakout sitting next to me, and yet I went and bought a Holley Stealth Ram full system with Wideband for my project. I will make the MS work someday on another vehicle (my Suburban), but it should be a lot easier to start with a kit. Now that I have a TIG, maybe this will change...


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The thing with the MS is that I'm not looking for a challenge. It would be a great project on another car that I can take a long time assembling, but I need this car to be reliable, since I dont have a second car anymore as a daily driver. However, it may be cheaper to buy a pre-assembled harness and pay the shop to install it than getting one of the more costly units. Furthermore, I'd prefer an ems that the local shop can tune, as I don't want to be learning on a car that I need to run. But again, I haven't ruled MS out. I will be researching it more diligently this week to see if it may work out, as it might be my only option at this point.

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