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need some legal advice.....

Guest BadKarmaCreepin

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Guest BadKarmaCreepin

ok, throwing all common sense to the wind (and me beeing 22 with no loot and som brave college friends who like to get into some **** ) my Z that i'm selling tomorrow got towed today, and i owe a BUNCH in fines, BUT, i have no intention of paying them (remember, i already realize this is wrong) so, i have a stealth mission planned tonight.....my question is: what are the ramifications of me stealing back my own car from a tow yard, if the title of the car is not registered to me (someone in MA), and the car will be sold tomorrow (and re-registered to someone else)? can they come after me? this is assuming i get away clean with the car. let me know, not opinions on whether you think it's right or wrong, but what could happen if caught. thanks.


(stupid idea, i know, but just thinking outloud)

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the biggest problem I see is that the car isn`t registered to you. so if you "steel" it back, technically if you get caught you don`t have much to stand on. The title jumping is a whole different issue. Why did it get towed to begin with?

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Some off the things we do when we are younger and have no money can haunt us for a long time after. Money problems seem like they can be damn impossable to deal with at times but are usually over come.


Have a good think about it and how your life will cange if you are caught!


Lecture over.





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Guest BadKarmaCreepin

ok, me getting the car out isn't really the big issue. i went to the place and checked it out and there's 1 flimsy little fence going around and no one watching the joint. the thing is worried about is what would happen once they notice a car missing. but by the time it is noticed, it will be in the hands of someone else, who had just recently purchased it from me (license plates taken off of course). i really don't feel like paying the $800 in parking tickets to get the car out when that's about half of what i'm getting for the car. can they prove that i took the car if they don't realize it's gone til the next day?

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Guest BadKarmaCreepin

ohhhhhh definitely! plus the drunken celebration afterward. i happened upon some huge bolt cutters, so i don't think any master lock or anything (a fence, screw climbing over the barbed wire) will stand up very much. as for there being any dogs, a concoction of substances guarnateed to knock a human on their ass is read to go. and since this is a college town,i plan on calling this joint from a cell phone when the bars let out to take as many towers away fromthe grounds as possible. but at the first sign of resistance, like a fat boy playing dodgeball, i'm out! i'll post later on tonight and let you know wht's goin on. thanks

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Sounds like trouble to me!.. I think most wrecker places keep track of VIN #'s and when the new owner goes to register the car in his name what

is going to happen when it comes up stolen from an impound lot..


DUDE!! the cops got your car dont let them get you or the poor guy you sell it to...


I had what I felt was a no big deal legal issue back in 89 when I was 19 yrs old... I didnt get off probation until I was 27.. that whole thing cost me 15+ grand... Your 22 years old, your gonna be kicking yourself when you get out of jail or off probation... I had to piss in a cup every 2 weeks at random for 2 years and then once a month for 6 more years after that... Lets see, your young, you probabaly "party" to a certain extent and with this stunt you will miss out on a good portion of your youth...


I am done being a dad!!!.. I guess everyone must learn from their mistakes. I promise not to post the "I TOLD YOU SO's" when you get back from your all expenses paid vacation...



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Guest the_dj

I do have to agree with Myron about the bad idea. I wouldn't dare try it myself, but that's your decision. It would be better if you listened and didn't do it, but if you go against us, don't forget the pics.



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Guest BadKarmaCreepin

it just pisses me off that these fucks can just repo someone's car when eveer they deem necessary. i suppose screwing over the next guy who buys it is pretty bad...damn it, this whole conscience this sucks. and i know the tow company was only doing their job by towing the car, maybe just some random vandalizing of city cop cars will make me feel better....at least that would be less risky than trying to steal my car back....damn, and i had these nice bolt cutters too....i even had sleeping pills for the dog....and i was gonna call bogus towings to get people to leave the building....damn, what a dilema. bloody hell, the smart side says "COMPLETE BAD IDEA", but the greedy side says "$800 more in my pocket" and i know the ramifications, if they catch up with me, will add up to more than that. ok, fine, i'm gonna go return the clippers and the battery, and give my friend back his sleeping pills, i hate you guys......ruining my fun but saving my life, ahhh the joys of life rockon.gif

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Guest Anonymous

The yard would have reported it stolen, and you'd have a hot car on your hands. I don't see how there could be any other course of action. I'm glad you re-thought it. Don't play with GTA. Sorry baby, this is a lesson in tough love. smile.gif





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Guest Anonymous

From what I understand from your story: The tow company is an agent of the law enforcement authority or "the government" that impounded your car because they claim you owe money for some mischief against the "people". Taking back your car will not be a civil matter but a criminal matter if not a felony times about 6 counts at least. They want money PERIOD! Either make arrangements to pay to get your car or go to the auction and try to buy it back. Life sometimes aint fair living by the rules. If you break the rules.. .They can make life miserable. I have my 1952 MGTD in impoundment now and have been in a fued with the bureacrats since January 25, 2001 and they still got it even though I have been winning it's return. I refuse to pay for its court ordered return after it was illegally impounded. You cannot beat them.

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If the car is not registerd/titled to you and you get busted "stealing it back" from an impound yard, I think you have just committed GTA(Grand Theft Auto). What is that guys like 5-10 at the taxpayers expense?... They will NOT let you claim the car unless you show proof of ownership or an insurance card on the vehicle in your name. OH, and technicaly the wrecking yard can shoot you trying to steal it... They just look at it like someone is stealing a car that is in their posession and they are then responsible....


I had a hair brained scheme very similar after my Z got towed from an afterhours club. It was legally parked in the lot next door, but after a certian time in the morning "no parking" signs magically sprouted from the ground, right about the time the wreckers showed up.. I got a ride to the location and when I had 1 leg over the fence a very unhappy lot attendant came running brandishing a large semi-auto pistol!.. Fortunatly they coudlnt see very well and didnt recognize me when I payed up the 80 bucks for the tow...


I think it is a bad idea to try to "steal" your car back...

OH, have you ever seen the "Faces of Death" video where the 2 car theives were trying to steal a car from a railroad loading yard?. The security camera was panning back and fourth and caught bits of the attack.. 2 Rotties or Dobies

ATE one of the theives.. the cops had to kill the dogs to get close to the body...


Are you still thinking about it?



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...Here is what WOULD have happened... You take the car...If you got out of the yard and if it wasn't seen and IF a witness didn't report it... You sell the car to your friend who then goes and registers it in another state... State runs the VIN EVERY TIME a title is processed. IF that car has been stolen, it will show up, the clerk will go into the back room and call the police, and your friend will be stalled at the counter filling out MORE unwarranted paperwork in a ploy to keep them on site untill the cops arrive to present the information that HE is buying a very stollen car, and of course THEY (Police) will want to know WHO he bought it from. Now, your friend will certainly ratt you out, since he won't want to go get sodomized, or toss someone's salad during a stint in jail, so he will certainly roll over on you to save his ass... What's worse is now you will be sitting back fatt and happy counting your money and thinking you got off on it and then, out of no where, like a bad Starsky and Hutch re-run (Minus HuggY BEar), the police will swoop down on you to cuff you and cart you off to a magestrat... PAY THE FINE and sell the car... Yea, you'll MAKE $800, vs. paying for the next ten years....


Mike Kelly nono.gif

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What the heck were you doing that you racked up 800 bucks worth of parking tickets?


I am happy to hear common sense prevailed, and your idea of vadalizing a police car isn't much smarter than stealing the car back.


You can do junk like that when you are 16, but when you turn 18, you have no more free passes.


I have a friend who had his car towed/impounded, and they will not even let him look at the car until he pays the charges. I went down there and told them if they would let me look at it, I would pay the charges. No go.


Pay the fine, sell the car to recover some of your money, and watch where you park next time. BTW, there is probably a warrant out for you anyway, so I would pay the fine, get square with the city, and call it an expensive lesson learned.

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...Along those same lines My older brother racked up a bunch of tickets in his early 20's and had his license suspended. By 1997 (He was 35 then) he still hadn't taken care of them, and his license was still suspended, yet he was still driving and had NEVER been pulled over. One day someone at work told him that the base he was working a construction project at had shut the gates and was checking EVERYONE who went out, checking registrations, licenses, the whole bit. Be had to leave his car and pay an employee to drive him home. Took him two weeks and $3600 to get it straightened out...


No matter how bad the fine is, or how much red tape you have to go through to get something taken care of legally, just do it. YES fines are a hassle, and yes tickets SUCK, but they are a reality, and will only follow you around for the rest of your days... and grow into $3600 mistakes you wished you had paid when you were in your early 20s... Just ask my brother... it caused him to put off buying his house by six months.


Mike malebitchslap.gif

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