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Maybe the word IS getting out


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I agree with the two posts above, and as has been mentioned before, we should really get a FAQ section for the q's like "What will it take to put a V8 . . .?!" What tires fit, brake upgrades etc, etc.


I wouldn't expect one person to answer all the frequently asked questions, just designate a thread. This is the V8 swap thread, someone can write the intro and let all of those with experience answer the question once.

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Guest crazycustom240z

I want to thank all you guys for not eating me alive. I am a newbie to forums. I have been lookin obviously not very well since I just found this seemingly endless supply of information on everything that I want to do to my 73 240z. In the last day I found more good information on the things I needed to know that I have since I got my z last summer. Thanks again for all the imput and advice.


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Just remember, we all were newbies at some point. :wink:


I think it would be good if anyone (registered or not) with 5 or less posts could get a banner displayed (before they could submit their post) giving them the sites rules and information.


And this site is the best, period!

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Guest tony78_280z
We could further the cause by adding to the "rules" the need to consider pertinent KEY words in the title of any new post. It's hard to look for a post about a great hybrid swap when the thread is titled "Guess what I got!" The easier the search goes for new members, the less we will be repeating ourselves.
This is a great idea. It would simplify the search. Or the admins could edit the title to it if it seemed important.
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Some really good ideas here...


I had a note from a guy a while back who said he thought we were to rough on new members, and wanted to know WHY... My explanation was that we are hard on members at first for GOOD reasons.


A: We're trying to assess the member's usefulness to the board and HYbridZ environment. If you are going to be a tool in the beginning, you'll likely be a tool two years from now... Bottom line is we want our members to act accordingly... You and I may sit across from each other some day and make no bones (And I've done this), it'll come up (And I'll likely have a copy of your rude comments WITH me, because I'm always prepared!) and I'll ask you to explain your comments from way back when...


B: We want our members to CONTRIBUTE. Come, soak up the information, and USE it... Then contribute your own. I've learned as much (If not more) than I've contributed over the last five years. I'd like to surround myself in my private life, just as I do in my professional life... best and brightest in this world. So I DO have high standards.


C: We often use the term "Our Home!" when discussing conduct on HybridZ. This is like one of Tim's shindigs, or mine. I've opened my home and shop up to you to enjoy and I expect you to act accordingly. Some of those who have been baned from this site would have been bodily removed from my residence had they conducted themselves in public as they did in text.


D: "Relax Man... It's just text...." UTTER HORSE SH!T. You conduct yourself here as you would in person, face to face. Who you represent on this site is who you will be viewed as in real life. If you can live with that, and understand that you are painting a perception, then you should proceed accordingly. But make no bones about it, we are all judged, and we'll all judge based on how we present ourselves... So I take it as seriously as you present it. If you call me (Or anyone one here) an ******* (or some other flowery word) behind text (And the safety of your keyboard and mouse), You might want to plan on doing it face to face, because some of us travel a lot, and some of us might just pop in and say "Hi! Got a minute?"


We've built what is possibly one of the most elite sites on the internet. We run a tight ship, and we do so with good reason. Every single person I've recommended to check this site out, in hopes of getting ideas on getting their own sites cleaned up, has come back to me in amazement. The depth of knowledge and level of detail, along with the conduct of our group in large has given us the reputation other websites strive to reach. So when a new person comes on the site and says I'm new to the site but I'm the god of hell, fire and thunder, and I'll conduct myself as I see fit (Like happened recently with one of our middle aged members who had built Zs for years and years...) Then just sit back and watch the fireworks... It is real simple... Do the right thing. If you have any doubt about a negative post you are getting ready to send... Don't submit it. Real simple... And if you did, and then think back on it, then GO EDIT it. Real simple... We make it that way, because we know we all make mistakes or "Have a bad day".


We want people to enjoy our site. We want people to feel 100% at home. That is why we do NOT allow flaming, bashing, jokes of prejudice, derrogatory comments about gays or people of ethnicity. We are tolerant of everyone... Except nooBs and rude idiots! If any of this bothers you, the reader, it might be YOU who want to take personal stock... Because I assure you all... We, the administrators and moderators sleep very well at night.


I personally like the idea of "Post-it" or Sticky threads, like the Webber tripple carb info on one of the forums... Maybe we need to do that for Chevy V8 swaps... and others... I think we have enough members here that we could farm these topics out to some of our members to write, then send to the admin staff for editing for the initial "Kick-off" and let the members contribute from there. Lets TEM this some more and get a list of topics together that are always asked... So we have some way of directing the newer members...


My guess is among the masses that have been auto-nuked by myself or one of the other member staff, there have been some good guys who just weren't aware of our strict code of conduct... I'm fair, and would like to think we can admit when we have over-reacted... We do second guess our actions in the admin forum and seek review fom our admin/ moderator peers, to keep us in check too!



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Guest tony78_280z
We are tolerant of everyone... Except nooBs and rude idiots


I personally like the idea of "Post-it" or Sticky threads, like the Webber tripple carb info on one of the forums... Maybe we need to do that for Chevy V8 swaps... and others... I think we have enough members here that we could farm these topics out to some of our members to write, then send to the admin staff for editing for the initial "Kick-off" and let the members contribute from there. Lets TEM this some more and get a list of topics together that are always asked... So we have some way of directing the newer members...
*stands up and aplauds*
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Yes, great post Mike. Amen brother. If you notice, I have a relatively low post count for how long I have lurked here, usually several times a day. I had read tons of old posts before I started my project and used the info to do my swap, and I have even done some things that others haven't based on all of the info here. Then I started to post a little more. I don't think I evenposted before I mocked up the motor with my custom mounts. But, we can make the info more available.


On FAQ, I was looking at LS1tech.com and their FAQ section on the nitrous forum covered everything I could want to know, including track times with which kit, etc, etc. Here are a few topics I think we could include.


V8 Swap, kits, parts suppliers, etc.

Spring rates for track and street. We have some great threads with discussion about this.

Wheel and tire options

Five lug conversions

Brake Conversions

Body kit parts suppliers with some pics

AND, what I think would be cool is if a lot of you track guys would give some track driving tips, maybe in a non-tech section!

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Guest tony78_280z

Oughta put a FAQ for each board in all sections. Tips on exhaust set up and electrical wiring tips EFI and CARBED swaps. Carb tuning tips. Hell I could think of a bunch. I don't have the answers to most of them though =)

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Speaking of the sticky thread, I have one with my name on it for wiper upgrade, but beacause i posted it so long ago, all the links are broken and the pictures don't work. Alot of people here are visual learners and the pictures are worth more than 1,000 words. I feel many people get discouraged from doing the upgrade because they get confused reading the 9 pages of text. I'd be really nice If an adm or mod could go through it and clean it up a bit. There are members here that have the pics i once posted and would be more than willing to host them.


I really like the broad array of expertise on this forum. The exhaust physics, great technical thread, nice change. Then everything from acoustical engineers, to aerospace designers on here. I love to learn and feel i've learned more from this site than any class.


Also, I feel strongly about the FAQ section, or maybe some seperate forum for just posting upgrades. IE wiper upgrade, maxima alt upgrade, V-8 swaps, etc. things of this nature that are great threads but get lost in the database.


just my .02

Thanks for a great forum,


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We could further the cause by adding to the "rules" the need to consider pertinent KEY words in the title of any new post. It's hard to look for a post about a great hybrid swap when the thread is titled "Guess what I got!" The easier the search goes for new members, the less we will be repeating ourselves.


This is a great idea. It would simplify the search. Or the admins could edit the title to it if it seemed important.



Tony and Terry,


At one point this was encouraged, but was lost in the hubub a week or so later. I have tried to rewrite post topics that just didn't fit with the title or even the forum they originated in, but that gets to be a lot of work (I gave up). I let it slide and what you have left is a large group of titles to topics without any relation that get lost, etc. I think it should be part of the "rules" when you write a topics, it shouldn't say something totally vague or different then what the topic is actually about!!!!

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Guest tony78_280z
I think it should be part of the "rules" when you write a topics, it shouldn't say something totally vague or different then what the topic is actually about!!!!
Put something in there about not giving any stats on vehicle type, year or mods that may be important to the answer. Then if you admins wanna be cruel you could delete the threads or reply with "Broke Rule #2" (Or whatever number) and then lock it until people start to obey those rules. Of course, it's up to you how cruel you wanna be.


Please put in a FAQ section. Some more technicaly minded members could write up some realy good stuff.


I'd also LOVE to see good technical threads (like the Exhaust Physics) Kept handy. They make good reading for when you are bored at home and in the mood to read some technical data. Only so many times you can read those Hot Rodding magazines. And this info would be more pertinant to Zs. Perhaps moving these threads into their own board that is READ ONLY. I also reacal a thread that BlueOvalZ and I were having about Fibreglassing that would be a damn shame to loose. He gave me lots of good info there.

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