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Just when I had all my ducks in a row..


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Well it just figures... I finished school (2nd level general machiniest, 89% average. :) ) last friday, AND finally sold my 2 wheel drive truck. So I have cash to pay off my credit card, pay the back-rent I owe, have enough left to pay for my engine rebuild, and I'm back to work this week so I thought evrything was good... :lol: I was suposed to get my engine back LAST weekend, but it didn't hapen.. no prob, maybe the gaskets didn't come in.. whatever. I found out today, that my engine builder is having problems with his girlfriend (they live together, the garage is where his shop is..) and the crazy b!&$# has called the cops on him for 'uttering death threats' !!!! WTF?!?!?! So now, he's not alowed on the property unless he wants to get hauled off to jail, I have no way of getting in touch with him, and I can't do anything else till I get the engine back. (I have to set engine/trans in to figure where to cut driveshaft, and hook up electrical/guages) I'm so pised off now... and there's NOTHING I can do..

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Hit on the girlfriend. Once you get lucky with her talk her into giving you the contents of the garage to get even.


That's what I would do anyway.


Quite the spiteful fellow you are! Yah, that's it...though a little more fuel on the fire. That should get your engine back for sure!!? How about contacting the authorities (cops) and simply explain your situation. Then, at least you won't have a pissed off mechanic looking for you because you were trying to hit on his girlfriend...well, OK X-girlfriend.

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Well the problem is, his (now ex) girlfriend does not have keys to the shop, and it's alarmed anyway. :roll: not to mention no one picks up the telephone there anymore. I could go talk to the cops, but I'm sure it will get me nowhere and only serve to agrivate me further.. I'm friends with the guy, but have no way to prove what's mine in that shop, so at this point (unless I can get a hold of him... ??!?!??!) I'm looking at a loss of my mint L28 short block, WITH my exhast and carb manifolds, and TWO N42 heads. Not to mention the $200 cash I gave him to start... almost two months ago. Oh yes, and he's got my 1975 280z FSM!!! :twak:


Word is he's looking for space to rent (to use as his shop) and is going to go to the house WITH police present to remove all his equipment/customers stuff. Problem here is, it's anyone guess when that is gona happen, and meanwhile I'm out of some cash, and engine, and patience....

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The cops aren't going to do anything. In fact, what could they do? They don't know who belongs to what and no crime has been committed.


But the girlfriend. She can do anything. Women have all the legal power in these situations. It is her house because she lives there. Cut the lock off the door and don't worry about the alarm. Can't get arrested for breaking into your own house. Just tell the cops (if they show up) you can't find the key.

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How about contacting the authorities (cops) and simply explain your situation.


ahahahah hahahahah sry to laugh so hard but i agree with pop n wood, the cops wont do crap. The guy that was supposed to paint my car, his shop was at his house also, got into it with his wife and skipped town and ripped me off for $1000. The only thing I could do was go get my car or bend over a little farther so he could run it deeper. :redface:

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Sounds to me like you guys need to seek out more reputable sources to work on your Z...or just learn to do it yourself. But it seems like you guys have it all figured out and know how to deal with such F'd up situations...I quess that comes with experience!!!

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Thats the thing.. I'd love to do it myself, but I just do not have the space to work on an engine (it was a chore just pulling it out) and lack proper tools/equipment. I've known this guy for a long time too, and he's done lots of good work for people in the past.. it's just hus 'crazy old lady' causing problems and I'm pretty much in the middle..

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2126, the man that screwed me over I had known for 10 years and he has done business with my family that long, it just goes to show you that you cannot trust anyone anymore


I have to agree with that statement.....some friend!!! Ah hell, go hit on his girl friend. You might get more than your engine back! Good Luck to you.

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Well I FINALLY got through to a person (as oposed to the machine) tonite. Talked for a few with his now ex girlfriend. She says I'm not the first to call recently about parts/engine/work (go figure.. I estimate the guy has at LEAST $50,000 in customers blocks and parts in there, never mind his own stuf and equipment) and she doesn't even know where he is right now.. :confused2


Apparently she is trying to get a hold of him through another person, and want's to give him the names of all his customers that have called, and find out if/when they can come get their stuff. She has no idea what's what, and brought up the fact that this 'personal issue' between 'them' has had to become a legal thing; He doesn't want her selling off his equipment/parts, she has to protect herself and child. Obviously, she can't have a bunch of people go through there and say "Oh yah, thats mine, that too.. oh, and that.. :wink: " and then have HIM sue her for theft or something.


She didn't say it directly, but I got the impresion he's 'fliped' a bit, and is having some trouble dealing with evrything... I don't know the whole story, and I'm not taking sides, and I told her as much BUT; I explained my situation as well; In that garage is a hard to find 280z factory service manual, AND an engine stand I BORROWED from a friend of mine to put my engine on to deliver there. Also my two heads, block, and boxes of parts (some new, if they came in..) I left her my number and asked her to call me if possible as soon as she knows what's going on.. I guess I'll hurry up and wait... :x

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Guest comeandzpa

Glad to hear things are taking a turn for the better, albeit a small one. At least it sounds like you're making progress. Just sit tight, the guy isn't going to leave thousands of dollars worth of equipment sitting in his garage, so I'd assume he'd be decent enough to give everybody's stuff back. Or at least I hope...

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Or he might just take everything in a midnight raid and sell it off and claim a loss on Homeowners.


Get a Lawyer and find reciepts, pictures, evidence of ownership and a court order to obtain your property.


Well if you don't have a lawyer and it's under $5000 you could serve them with papers for small claims court. It's in the court's hands now anyway, and someone will probably make up reciepts for your stuff, and you'll never see it again, so get that ole ball moving and fight for your junk.

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Are you sure you are not on one of those shows where they steal your stuff and revamp it behind your back....Overhauled or something like that.....


Oh sh*t I hope I didn't just blow the whole story!


HA! I WISH!! I went through the computer last night and found a bunch of pics of my engine, head, manifolds, FSM, and even one with the engine stand in it. I made a list of evrything and printed out the pics.. I'm thinking of maybe just gping over there tomorrow and asking her if I can get my stuff. You don't have to know anything about engines/tools to look at a picture and see the real 'thing' and know they are the same.. (I'm thinking I could go to the cops with this too, as it is easy to back up my 'claim of ownership' to things in his garage..) I'll ask her first, and perhaps have a cop/whitness there when I remove my things.. that way evrything is legal, and I don't get involved on either side.. and besides, HE knows where to find me, and I already told him the $$$ was no issue; If I owe him for any work he DID do, I'll pay him no problem. I'll give him another day to contact me, but after that, I'm going and getting my stuff back one way or another.

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And the saga continues; Yesterday I hear (through a friend whos father knows my engine builder er..dickhead) that he's in town, was up talking to the cops, and is going to his shop (with police) to remove all his equipment and customers parts/engines. Apparently, he had a few people (customers/friends) with him to help load up, and my help was 'not needed' :icon11: I thought great.. Now I don't even KNOW where my stuff is gona be at..


My friend keeps saying "No worrys man, it'll all work out. Just wait..youll see" :twak: Yah.. it's fine to say that for 2 months and when $hit finally gets right, he'll just say "See?!? I told you it'd work out!" &!(#$%&($#!&%#$ Whatever. It's my $$$ and stuff on the line, and I'm not sitting around waiting for the situation to sort it self out. So.. either way, I had to finish the job I was working on, and I planed to go over afterwards and see WTF was going on. Now I'm really pissed; Fresh tracks in the snow (right up to the garage door) but no truck, no one home. STILL no word from him, and my friend who said he'd call me hasn't yet. I'm about ready to kill someone here...


EDIT: Funny how people call you up aftre you've been bitching about them.. My friend just called with some more info; Turns out the guy DID go over yeterday, but (this is good..) because the court order he had only stated 'removal of personal items from house' the cops woudn't let him in the garage at all. So until he gast ANOTHER court order to remove the contents of the garage, my motor/parts are stuck there. And at this point, if I went over to get MY property, I'd get charged with theft. Oh, the cam and all the parts/gaskets are in though. :roll:

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Get a lawyer, explain what is going on. Lawyer should write a letter to D*ckhead and his ex saying something to the effect of unlock the grage let my client get his stuff out, dickhead and Ex, present (cops too) OR we'll just take your asses in front of a judge, period, that simple. When a letter arrives from the lawyer to both of them, same address unless he put in a COA at the post office (doubt it). When the letter arrives she WILL freak out about it because she is being pulled into a potential lawsuit which she knows she has nothing to do with. If you know others who have parts in there have them do the same, hell you might get a group discount at the lawyers office.


Good thing you have pics and receipts for parts!!!


Now go contact a lawyer, some do first consultation free.


Good luck er it's not "luck" it's the friggin LAW.


I'll ask my wife about this too, she used to work for the county prosecutor, she'll know what to do...


Honey Oh sweetheart......


I'll follow up later.



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Heh heh.. it's just getting better all the time... I get home from work today, and wouldn't you know it; there's a message on the machine from the guy!! Here's the good part..

"Hey, uh, I guess you talked to **** and he told you the mess I'm in.. um, don't worry too much about it man.. I ah, got your cam and stuff here in the city (city being Toronto, over an hour south of me) and I have a new shop lined up.. should be in by this weekend, or monday next week. Give me a call tonite."


He left a phone number, but it was NOT the same number that showed up on my call display (I will never bitch at the girlfriend again for the extra $5 on the phone bill for that service!) and I called it, but got no answer. Last I heard, his 'new' shop was somewhere here in town, but now I don't know if that's the case.. I also don't know if by 'stuff' he means evrything, or just the parts he had to order (oil pump, gaskets, cam/lash pads, ect) and I'm starting to wonder if this is ever going to get straightened out... If I don't get a hold of him tonite and get the low down, I think I will look for a lawyer tomorrow and see what my options are..

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Well I'm not excited yet, but I'll hold off on the lawyer for now (pricy bastards..) as I've talked to the guy again. His story goes like this; He left (him and the girl having problems, ect) and went to the city for a while. Then, after she told the cops he threatened her life, well.. they caught up with him. Guess she didn't realize the severity of what she was saying, and when the police caught up with him (last week I guess..), the threw him in jail. (domestic issue, cops take maters into their own hands regardless of the fact she said "I don't wana charge him")


So.. he made bail about a week ago, and has now got a lawyer, yada yada. Told me today (saturday) he has a court order allowing him to remove ALL his/customers property and equipment from the garage. He also sais he's got his 'new' shop all ready to go, and is hoping to have evrything moved and setup by the end of next week. This means MY engine should be ready to go by next weekend.. if all goes well. If not, I'm told I can go get my things.. I just have to get HER to open the garage for me; she changed the locks, and had the alarm system removed.. hmm.. Maybe I DON"T need her to open the garage...

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