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Pics of my Z, and a farewell for now...

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Well, I never got her going 100% and had to let her go.


This will be a good bye for now... I'll start a project later on in life. This has been a very good experience for me and I've learned all or most of my car knowledge by tackling this project. Thanks everyone for the help that you've given me.


It's just too much for an 18 year old (me) to handle with school and money problems.


Thanks everyone,

Steven M.

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I will keep you up to date with my progress on the car. I am very happy with it so far. I hope you get to achieve your dream of building a killer Z someday.


p.s. Did you sell the heads for sure. lol I sure do want them.

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You've made a great choice in selling the car - now you can focus on something that will hopefully help you make money in the future - school!


I remeber being your age and I didn't have any money to do what you did with your project. But like you I was going to college. Years down the road, buying parts for the Z was just a matter of how crazy I wanted to get with the spending, not "will buying this part mean I can't eat for a week?"


Great job on the Z! Come by and hang out from time to time!

What are you studying?

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I went through the same issue with my first project car (73 Trans Am). But like you the knowledge I gained through the experience has saved me thousands. Concentrate on school for now and start thinking about the next project. Feel free to stop back by and share you expertise with us newbies. :)

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While I definitely agree with others' posts that school should be one's first priority, please keep in mind that it's false to assume that some short period of time after your formal schooling is over, you'll be able to jump back into the car-hobby and restart where you left off.


Simply put, life gets in the way. After college there's grad school, after grad school there's the need to pursue one's career. And for some people there's family.


After living for years in dorms and apartments, you'll probably find yourself yearning for a house, for a place with a garage where you could comfortably work on cars. And that's fine. But again, keep in mind - once you buy that house, mortgages and house maintenance will take precedence. Hey, I bought a house with the primary purpose of having a place to work on my Z - but instead of working on my Z, I'm more often fixing leaks, tending the grounds and doing general maintenance around the house.


So here's the punchline: you made a wise choice to shelve the car hobby in favor of more pressing matters. But realize that that shelving might be for much longer than just the four years of college. After all, there's a reason that the hot rod hobby is dominated by people aged 60+.

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Wow, that's all good advice. Keep in touch from time to time and share your knowledge. Keep the pics of your car on your HD and look at them from time to time.


Only YOU can know what is right for YOU! Make a plan and do the best you can to stick with it.


All the best for your future and your hot rodding!!



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well, you could be like me ... find a place to park it and deal with it when life lets you get to it ...


my 58 vette has been waiting since i bought it back in 1974 ... life ran over me like an out of control bull dozer and then backed up over me, when i asked, what the f was that.


through it all, i've held on to the vette ... other 4/5 finished products have come and gone. rough guess, around 20 worth mentioning ( cars, not transportation ... transportation doesn't count as a car ... a car is art, transportation is a utility ).


if you really are attached to the z, find a place to keep it ... drive it once a month, or just wash and wax it ...


let it sit, back away from it ... give it 6 months, then see if you still want to sell it.


i've been in some tight money situations ... 18 years ago, turned down 14,000 cash for the vette ( it's gutted and stripped to bare glass - parts are tagged and boxed ), it was never about money or look at me, it was always the car, the vette. a 58 vette. so, i have never been tempted to sell it.


anyway ... i'm starting to ramble ...


my opinion and advise ... let it simmer ... give it 6 months ... see what you think then. selling it ... will 3 grand make all that much difference ??


if you believe 3 grand will change your life ... then you best sell it ...


if 3 grand isn't going to change your life right now ... wait the 6 months ... see how you're doing ... summers a better time to sell anyway ...


does any of what i said make any sense at all ???

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my opinion and advise ... let it simmer ... give it 6 months ... see what you think then. selling it ... will 3 grand make all that much difference ??


if you believe 3 grand will change your life ... then you best sell it ...


if 3 grand isn't going to change your life right now ... wait the 6 months ... see how you're doing ... summers a better time to sell anyway ...


does any of what i said make any sense at all ???


That actually makes a lot of sense. I had my Z in college, drove it, got it rusty, so it wasn't reliable. Then sat on it. But it was mostly a stocker with some big tires and suspension stuff.


Thanks for the wake up call, Wayne!


Seems I gave SuperDan the same advise a few years ago about his Z. But I think the money was actually something he really needed out of it. He's started on another one now though :).

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Pete, thanks for the vote of confidence ... sometimes i think i'm just tired and rambling on with my opinion ... end up deleting and not posting ...


after re-reading the original post ... i think his dream z is already sold ...


perhaps i'm a day late and a dollar short ???


personal note ... currently simmering ... the vette, the dune buggy, 72 baja bug, 88 fiero Gt ( pretty looking, well handling car. needs rear wheel bearing or cv joint... plans for it to be my son's car next feburary, when he's 17. keeps me from racking up the miles on it ).


every spare nickel i get goes into the z car ... would have been bunches cheaper to have bought a finished product ... but i enjoy the elation and i guess the depression ( because it feels so good when i stop !!! ) as well, all that goes along with recreating art. sure gives me another reason to cuss out loud :wink:


though with the avg price of med grade gasoline, in the santa clara ca. valley at $2.40/gal ... i'm thinking ... i oughta get the meyers manx on the road again ... 26 to 28 mpg around town is sounding pretty good ... who needs a heater, radio, a roof or wipers that work LOL ...

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Guest 305240

The above advice is the best. All comming from experience. When I was a wee lad of your age, I also had dreams. Uncle Sam changed all that. With the Viet Nam war going on, I never got to build my dream car. Then it was marrage and kids...trying to make ends meet with a so-so job. Then Diveorce. The readers digest version is: I'm 56 years old now and am living proof of an old phart enjoying his second childnood! just check out my collection in my sig. The best advice I can give you my friend, is to work smarter, not harder. Use your brains, let someone else use their brawn. Good luck to you. Ya know, you can still hang out here as we all would like to hear from you more often than not.

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I've been down this road too. Bought my "project" Z when I was on a break from university. (midway through 2nd year) I did a bit of work on it over the next few months, then long before I was done I went back to university. The car then sat covered at my parents house for 3 years while I finished up. After I was done school I finished the car and am driving it daily now. Money has always been tight for me, now I am at a job where I am making way more money than at any other point in my life, and I still can't find much to spend on the Z. (good old school debts) My advice is to stick with it, store it when you don't have time for it, and pick away at it as best you can. The money won't magically appear when you finish school, assuming you have some accumulated debt from school like most people do, but with any luck the car will be waiting when you do have the time & money.

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