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Lasik Eye Surgery...


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ok heres some stuff...


i wear contacts cuz i hate my old glasses. My eyes are getting a tad worse and i need my contacts updated.


when can i have the surgery? do i have to wait till my eyes stay in one place for a while or can i just go and have it done and get my eyes fixed right there on the spot?

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Guest Tim78zt

Hi David!

Here's the scoop! My wife had her's done 2 days ago, I had mine done this past March. Here's what we learned:

The going rate is between 2 and 3K for both eyes. Some places charge a flat amount, some have a sliding scale, charging for adjustments down the road. We chose a place that charged the flat fee guaranteed for 3 years (meaning no additional charges for unlimited adjustments as needed for a 3 year period. Financing was available (10.99apr).

Our doctor uses an Exemer3 (or something like that) Latest tracking laser with 8+ mm wide beam. This eliminates the halo-effect some people experience at night when looking at bright lights.

Our doctor does every surgery himself...some don't, rather delegating it to techs. He has done it for the past 25 years (the first in Dallas/Ft Worth)

He starts your anti-biotic 3 days before surgery and continues for 10 days afterward. He prescribes 1 Valium that is taken about 30 minutes before surgery.

He prefers the nasal corneal incision to the superior.

My vision is 20/20 or better. My wife, who had a severe astigmatism BTW which was corrected, will need another adjustment in 10 days. My correction was less expensive than hers by a $grand due to the astigmatism.

Risk of infection is the greatest cause for concern. The laser treatment takes about 3 seconds, but the doctor is way more concerned about infection. So all the prep work he does is to reduce that risk.


Hope this helps! Questions???



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A couple of years ago there was a story all over the news about some guy got left on Mt. Everest and half froze to death. Made all of the news because he called his wife from the mountain to say "good bye". Ended up living (less most of his feet, hands, nose and face) BUT the reason he almost died is the laser surgery combined with the low pressure at altitude made him so near sighted he couldn't see his own feet. The rest of the group left him at a lower altitude with the idea of doubling back, but a storm came in and he got left for dead.


True story.


Just don't climb any mountains after having laser surgery on your eyes. I wonder if this could also affect pilots?

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