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Need help with a car decision, sell my Z to buy this?

Guest bastaad525

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I had a Supercharged Corolla gts and honestly it was still a Corolla. Keep the Z! You won't regret it.


Thats the same thing I say when someone tries to call the SRT-4 a cool car, Im like ya but its still a Neon! Same with the Sentra, still an econo box. Yeah it can make lots of power but at what cost?


Plus the Z's trouble shooting is easy since your still close to stock with the engine set up. The Sentra will require more in depth knowledge of electronics and probably a scanner of some sort. Plus what kind of workmanship did this guy do when swapping in the turbo? Is he a hack or is he very neat and organized? This will come into play when you are trying to track down a strange drivabilty problem that you cant fix on your own and have to pay a shop by the hour to fix.




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What kind-a anser did you think you would get asking question like this one a website devoted to Z lovers. :twak: Of course the answer is going to be bias. Go fine a Sentra website and ask them. I bet they'll tell you to get rid of the old out dated Z car. Of course if you listen to them your an idiot!![/b'] Stick with the Z.


You would be surprised! I find that alot of the "other" sites LOVE the early Z car and would gladly sell or trade their econoracers for what we are so lucky to have. The cult status of the early Z is on the rise, we are starting to get major magazine coverage as well as serious representation on the local highways, byways, and racetracks.


Keep the Z and ditch the turbo sentra idea. New(er) cars with working AC and good window seals are NICE, dont get me wrong, but for all out fun nothing beats a classic turbo Zed. Keep the sentra you have now and give it a decent suspension with some good tires and keep cruising the Z for those special occasions.....

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Guest ON3GO

i didnt even read your whole post to have a answer for you.

a old Z and a SER arent even in the same class.

a brand new SER Spec V and a old Z arent even in the same class.

hell the new 350Z and a old Z arent even in the same class.


i a young guy compared to many of you and even at my age and short time on this earth and dealing with cars i came to realise that newer cars just dont have the heart and soul of our old cars, even more so older Z's.


they have it all: looks, styling that will never die out (sentra will), performance, they are different and the biggest and best of all..... they let us be creative and make us feel we own and drive the only one like it.

i know theres no other Z's like my blue and green Z.. even though they have motors maybe a 100 other ppl have and wheels 150 ppl have.. its still very different then all the others.


please dont sell the Z, you will regret it..


also FWD gets old and boring real quick.



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Oh I forgot to mention something in my first responce; Last summer while cruising through town, I saw a couple 'rice rockets' in a parking lot as I passed by. They stared in awe as I screamed by in the old Z. Then, they jumped in their cars and followed me! Hmm.. By the time thay caught up to me, I was sitting at a red light. The first guy rolled by slow, with a big smile and gave me 'the nod'.. The second guy (driving what was actually a NICELY put together mid 90s Nissan 200sx, with the obligatory 10000 watt stereo blaring) pulls up next to me and turns his music DOWN! He says; "That's frickin AWESOM man!! I got over $10000 in this thing, but it's no datsun Z car!" Now...If I had been driving a sentra, I doubt I would have got anything close to that kind of attention...



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The old Z has such great styling, it will turn heads of every kind of person with a heartbeat. The Sentra and the 350Z mentioned above don't get that attention.


I get muscle car people, honda people, Miata people, old people in Mercedes, you name it stopping to talk about my Z and they always gush over the looks. It's very hard to beat the looks of the S30 body.


Keep it! There's more to cars than what they'll do in the quarter mile or at the track. Plus, the Z will be cheper to work on and easier to work on.


Oh, I can't agree more about it having the CORRECT wheels being driven for a sports car (although AWD is fun too!).

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Guest bastaad525
What kind-a anser did you think you would get asking question like this one a website devoted to Z lovers. :twak: Of course the answer is going to be bias. Go fine a Sentra website and ask them. I bet they'll tell you to get rid of the old out dated Z car. Of course if you listen to them your an idiot!![/b'] Stick with the Z.



Actually.... heheh



I did post this same question on the SE-R forum that I hang out on sometimes since buying one... and you know what? about 80% of them are saying to keep the Z as well. My reply there was, if a forum of SE-R owners will sit there and tell me to keep the Z... that's GOT to mean something!!! :D I was really surprised by this...



Anyways... lots of sound advice here... really appreciate it all guys. Well... once again (for the third time!) you guys are making me reconsider selling this damn car... You guys would make a great support group for just about anything, you know that? But this is why I bring this here... because my mind get's too crowded with pros and cons and I can't think straight about it anymore, and you guys can really point out the good points about why to keep or not. I'm starting to feel really bad for 'crying wolf' like this... I'm gonna be afraid to mention it the day I really do seriously go to sell this car if that day ever comes.



One thing I gotta disagree about though, is the recognition that comes with driving one car or the other. I really don't get THAT much recognition in the Z... most people don't pay it any mind, and of the few people that do notice it, many of them didn't know what it was. But yeah, I do get the occasional guy or gal that had one 'back in the day', or the occasional nod from another driver. I think part of this is because my car just isn't that much to look at. It's covered with small dings, and only has a cheap Earl Shibe paint job on it. The brake dust covered stock 280zx rims don't really help it much. But that was also kind of what I wanted... I dont really want everyone to notice this car, and I dont want it to be completely ding free with an expensive *** paint job on it... so I have to freak out if anyone so much as looks at it too hard. That is part of the appeal of the Sentra for me as well... no one notices it... I never wanted a car that turns heads everywhere it goes.



But you guys are right big time on one point... Z's are getting more and more rare... and I have been a big fan of the 240 for a long long time... if I let it go I would want another one one day and would just have that much harder of a time and would have to pay that much more to get one....especially if I try to find one done to the point mine is. The SE-R is also rare and getting rarer... but hey I already have one of those too :) yeah it's not fast but... as my wife pounds into my head every time the discussion comes up... I dont' really NEED two fast cars. I guess on the scale of being 'special' the Z definately blows the Sentra out of the water though.



Well... you guys have saved me again. But... tell you what... I envy whoever gets that Sentra man... really I do.

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This may be a little extreme but Z is to Ferrari as Sentra is to Taurus SHO.


Sure the Sentra can be fast but....it's no Z car.


It's not the "hype" that makes a car right or fun. I drove a new M3 for an hour or so and beat it up pretty hard. I jumped back into my Z and there is no comparison. Adrenaline levels rise soooo much faster in the Z. The same held true when the owner of the M3 took my Z for a flogging.

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Guest bastaad525

I dunno for me it is just a want to go faster and faster... I'm starting to think that part of me doesnt' care WHAT I'm driving as long as it's fast (the Z's okay there)... but I also want to be able to carve mountain roads with confidence and speed (Sentra would be better AS IS), and in comfort and security (again, Sentra takes nods on this with both cars AS IS), and w/o being noticed (both cars about equal here but the Z is a little more eye catching). Just going on those reasons the Sentra seems the better car but for all the reasons you guys argued the Z still somehow comes out on top... so anyways I already emailed the guy and told him to forget it. I'm just gonna have to keep hope that one day, ONE day I'll have some extra money again in the quantities I need to adress the things I still want/need taken care of on this car....

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With time, you can spread out expenses. Set long term goals and approach them incrementally. If you plan ahead, you will get there with minimal waste of money. For example, I needed new tires, so I sold my wheels because I knew that I would be going with bigger brakes in the future and would need larger wheels. I stretched the bald tires as far as I could, safely, while I saved up for wheels and tires. Meanwhile I held out for the best sale price for my existing wheels. If you are in a rush and the "Z passion" is not a priority than it makes sense to jump into another car that is already "finished". So far it's been about 15 years for me and it's still not "finished". But THAT is the beauty of it all. "Finished" cars are boring to me no matter how fast. Do you just like speed or do you like making speed? I prefer the project of making speed and the pride that comes with it; more than the actual speed itself. I've also had a long lasting love affair with the Datsun Z ever since I saw one as a child.


Yes, we are biased!

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