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Car Deal: Legit or Not..help

Guest PBooty

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Guest PBooty

Im in Cali, this guy in NY is selling his car for half the dealer trade in value. Here are his terms: I make purchase a money order for the full amount, and mail him a COPY of it. He has his banker check to see if the money order is legit and that I have the fundds to cover the payment. After he checks out the money order, he will have the car shipped over to me. He said shipping would be around 500, and he would split it with me. After the car is shipped to me, i can inspect it for 3 days. If i want to keep it, i would send him the money order. If i don't want it, I keep my money order (less half of the shipping cost), and he takes his car back.


The story behind the sale is the his company is relocating him overseas and will purchase him a car over there. So he doesn't need this car.


Do you guys think this a legit sale?

I'm just wondering why he doesn't just go to some used car lot...


input please..

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Sounds real shaky to me. Not sure what he could tell from a copy of a money order. Not sure what the angle is there.


I personally would never enter into a bargain like that. Then again, I would never buy a car without seeing it first. Not for any reason (unless it was the pope's car or something).


Either book a plane trip or try to find a HybridZ member in NY who will take a look at it for you.

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Guest PBooty

According to him, i can look at the car before sending out my actual money order, but then again.. i dunno what damage he could do with the copy

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Why does he have to check to see if you have the funds to cover the payment if you send a money order? Money orders are bought and paid for, yes? Chances are that the guy just wants your half of the $500 for shipping. After sending your $250, you'll probably never hear from him again. send him a corn filled dog turd instead of $250 :)




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Guest Magnum Rockwilder

Just take control of the "deal" and give him your own terms... and watch him squirm. That's the stupidest sounding way to sell a car I've ever heard. People are coming up with new scams every day.

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It sound exactly like the same type of deal a guy in Phoenix was ripped off with. It was on the news in Phoenix about a week ago.


If it sounds to good to be true watch your wallet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest 73LT1Z

Like Pop N said, find someone on this board that is local & see if he will let them inspect the car, check the serial #, etc.- this should show if he is a scammer or not.


Deal does sound awful complex.


send him a corn filled dog turd instead of $250


ROFL- misread this @ first & thought it said a corn dog filled with turds!!!

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I figure that anyone can send just a plain dog turd. It takes an extra special kind if person to take the time to feed a dog corn and follow it around for a day or so. The person opening the box might not register all this at once, but later when all the crying has stopped and they have time to reflect on it.....

"Was that....Corn?" Truly the gift that keeps on giving. Yeah, I'm a sicko :)



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You're a very creative person and you're also correct about the money order. There is no reason to verify it because the purchaser has to make complete payment at time of purchase. He may just want to have proof that it was actually purchased which could be provided by sending him a copy of the receipt which has no usable info to create a fake.



This is a scam to either get half the shipping in advance and/or legitimate money order id numbers and info to create a fraudulent MO worth 26k. I'd tell him to ship the car which you'll then inspect for 3 days and if it's legit then you'll send him the MO with the additional $250.00 added for shipping, if not he pays all the shipping for both directions or he doesn't get his car back.



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Sounds like a scam, bigtime. No one only charges $500 to ship a car from coast to coast. Have you seen the prices of fuel lately?


I just got a few quotes yesterday to have a car shipped from DC to TX and the lowest was $700.


He wants to get the money order info is my guess.


$26K for an 03 BMW M3, I doubt it.

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Dont you think if it was that good of a deal,someone in NY would already have snatched it up?1/2 price?and its still there? This deal has SCAM plastered all over it.Send him a picture of you with the cash in your hand.Tell him to deliver the car and pick up the cash.Simple.You'll never hear from him again.

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